Hogwarts AU

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I added some OCs to fill in names for the sorting, but that's it. I'm only using canon characters for this AU

Conor fidgets nervously looking around for platform 9 3/4. His parents stand beside him equally confused.

"So that's platform 9," his older brother says, "and that's 10. So where is 9 and 3/4?"

The bustle of people around them was getting thicker and Conor was starting to get nervous, the train left at 11 o'clock and it was currently 10:40. Being late on his first day was NOT an option.

"Mum, stop, I'm fine!" A voice argues annoyed pulling Conor's attention away from the dilemma.

The boy had tan skin and unruly brown hair that was mother was trying and failing to tame, "Rollan, you look unpresentable, just let me fix your hair," the women bargains.

Rollan ducks under her arms, "okay, look, I love you, but the train leaves in exactly," the boy glances up at the clock, "18 minutes. So can we go?" The mother sighs loudly before following her eager son, who held a cage and suitcase in both hands.

A cage with an owl.

"He's going to Hogwarts!" Conor says outloud, but everyone was to busy in his family arguing to hear his solution. Conor decides to kick his brother's shin to get their attention.

"Hey!" His older brother yells, spinning around to see Conor with his hands on his hips.

"I found another wizard, which means I can find out how to get onto platform 9 3/4," Conor explains. He shrieks and ducks behind his bags when his brother aims to wack the back of his head.

"Charlie, calm down," Conor's mother scolds.

"Yeah, Charlie calm down," Conor repeats sassily before sinking even lower at the glare he gets from both his mother and Charlie.

"Where's the wizard now, wise ass?" Charlie asks, "can't talk to him if you lose him."

Realization dawns on Conor's face and he spins around to see the brown haired boy missing, along with his mother.

"He was right there!" Conor exclaims pointing to where he first saw them, "I have no idea where they went!"

"Well, at least we know you're not a-" Charlie squints his eyes as he tries to remember the houses, "Gryffindor? Is that the smart one?"

"No that's Ravenclaw," a female responds before Conor can guess. Conor turns towards the voice and sees a dark skinned girl with pretty, dark brown eyes. She smiles at Conor and he feels himself blushes, "Gryffindor is for the brave. Ravenclaw for the intelligent, Slytherin for the cunning, and Hufflepuff for the loyal."

"Which house," Charlie asks resting his elbow on Conor's head who angrily tries to get it off, "is the weak house?"

The girl furrows her eyebrows, "well, it depends. Each house has good or bad traits, Gryffindors are too head strong and stubborn, Slytherins usually dismiss other people's needs in their goals, Ravenclaws are too know it all, and Hufflepuffs are usually seen as too kind."

"Well, let's go with... Hufflepuff?" Charlie guess, "I mean being too kind is what you're good at, always let people walk all over you-"

"Not true!" Conor interrupts loudly.

"Devin," Charlie points out, as if only that proves his point.

"Charlie," their mother scolds, "be nice. Excuse me, young lady, do you know how to get to platform 9 and 3/4."

The little girl nods and starts to explain, but a heavy hand lands on her shoulder and she goes quiet, "Abeke, there you are," a large man says who looks like Abeke. Conor assumes it's her father, "don't run away like that. I'm sorry," the man apologizes, "your sister is already at the platform, headgirl of Ravenclaw," the man brags.

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