Zombie AU (Part Two)

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^Fancast for Rollan

"I hate to interrupt," Abeke interrupts stopping the pair from going into a fist fight, "but the people in the kitchen stopped talking. Congratulations, they now know we're here."

The white haired girl scowls and takes a step back to leave, but Rollan grabs her arm, "not so fast bruja, if we get in trouble you do too."

"Fick dich, arschloch," the girl hisses back.

"It's the stupid German girl again," a blond male announces from the kitchen doorway leaning against the frame.

"L'Allemand? Elle nous a suivis?" A voice asks. A loud clattering sound is heard and the voice starts swearing again, "merde!"

"Stop talking in french! No one else speaks that!" A voice argues still hidden from view of the Greencloaks, "and stop moving, you'll rip out your stitches." Finally the voice of the person arguing appears. It belongs to a dark skinned male who is taller than the blond one, "and we have four Greencloaks. Awesome."

"Sounds like the opening to a bad one-liner. A Mexican, an American, a German, and a Frenchie walk into a bar. Who leaves? Not the Mexican cause he's an illegal immigrant," the girl snaps getting annoyed.

"Okay, that's rude," the dark skinned boy warns.

"Why don't you go shoot up a school, amerikanisch," the girl fires back. Before the boy can say something back she adds, "oh, I'm sorry, you probably will get shot first."

"Okay, what's your problem," Rollan asks the girl.

"I don't know, let's guess. Maybe it's the three Conquerors or the kid who won't let me go."

Rollan finally let's go of her arm and she scowls and rubs it and calls him a colourful name in english. Rollan's face twists up and he pulls his arm back, but Abeke grabs it, "okay, everyone calm down. This is a halfway house, anyone can stay here safely. So Rollan, calm down, scavenger girl watch your mouth, and no fighting between the Conquerors and Greencloaks."

"A-t-elle demandé si nous etions des Conquerants?" The french voice asks.

Finally the kid steps into view and the dark skinned boy rolled his eyes, "Devin, I'm about to kick your ass. Firstly, you shouldn't be walking around like this. Secondly no one knows-"

"He asked if Abeke asked if you guys were Conquerors," Conor pipes up.

"Okay so nevermind someone here speaks french. And we're not Conquerors."

"You speak french?" Meilin asks Conor, "I thought you were from Ontario."

Conor shrugs, "I took french in elementary school, I suck at it, but I know the basics."

The kid speaking french rubs his black eye. A bandage covered his forehead, stained in the center with blood. Unfortunately his shirt was missing, but he was at least covered by bandages. Dark hair was ruffled and blood stained and his non-swollen eye showed that he had navy eyes.

"If you aren't Conquerors, then what are you?" The scavenger asks.

"Redcloaks," the blonde boy says in a tone that leaves no room for more questions. Conor really wanted to ask where the horses came from, but held his tongue.

"Everything hurts," he finally says in english, a heavy french accent still there.

"What the hell happened to you?" The blond girl asks.

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