Soulmate AU (DJ Khaled voice: another one)

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The paint soulmate AU is one hold bc I have no fucking clue on where to continue. Like I just can't????? Nothing works. I'll do my best to puke something out. INSTEAD enjoy this other soulmate AU I threw together in a pity attempt to make up for my lack of writing.

No one understands why or how it happens, but at the age of seven, words embed themselves into your arm, just a few, but mean the world.

The words are the exact moment when you realize that you love someone. Truly love a person, your soulmate. The words can be common, such as a simple hello, complex like a scientific notation, or plain weird, just like Conor's.

It was right after blowing out the candles and his brothers shoved his face in the cake. As his mother went to fetch real cake (she had a hunch his brothers would pull something like this), a burning sensation raced up his forearm, 10 words in a deep violet colour.

If we die I will come back to haunt you.

What situation would allow someone to say that? A life or death situation? He hoped that the sentence would be simple, like Darren's:

I lost the math sheet, can I borrow yours?

Or intelligent like Luke's:

Okay, look, an ionic bond involves a metal and non-metal, and uses the cross-over method.

Because at least they had an idea of where they would meet up, school or study hall. But nooo, of course his was as vague as vague gets, an sentence that could be uttered as a joke, or said in full seriousness. Warrent to be said at a movie theater, haunted house, or dangerous situation.

His brothers, of course, got a huge kick out of it, laughing at his misfortune until they got scolded by their mother and his father covered the violet lettering in the common band, hidden so that only he can see when he wants.

Conor continued to pester his mother, asking how would he know, who will it be, why was it so strange, but she answered the same way she always does. With a small smile and two words.

"You'll know."


Abeke remembered her sister getting her sentence. Swirling script in a glimmering gold, words etched across her skin. Of course, Soama fluented it around the house, until she was sat down by their Ma and told to wait until she meets

The one.

Abeke found it quite stupid, to let a few words decide your fate? It was dumb and she decided that she wouldn't let a few words dictate her life and who she loves. So on her seventh birthday, after squeezing her eyes shut and making her wish (for a kitten of course) she waited for the words, prepared to look away so she doesn't see them.

But nothing happened. Her arm remained blank. Her parents tried to comfort her, saying that it'll come before bed.

It didn't and when waking up to the sun, her dark skin remained unmarked.

Her parents fretted about it, talking to doctors and friends, wondering why their daughter was not normal. Secretly, Abeke was very pleased. Because now she could decide her own fate and find who she wants.

Didn't take long for her to hate fate.

She was nine at the time, woken up to the sound of sirens and red and blue lights, looking out the window with bleary eyes to see an ambulance peeling away. Soama came up a few minutes later, tucking Abeke back into bed and promising that Ma and Pa would be home in time for school.

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