Monster AU (Part three)

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So far:
Tasha is a ghost
Kirat a griffin, Tarik the same
Dawson, Devin, and Conor are werewolves, counter parts being their spirit animals.
Abeke and Shane are elves
Meilin and Rollan are just euh
Gerathon a sneak sneak witch
Drina the stupid siren
Lenori is possessed by the Oracle
Olvan's got a horse's (moose's lmao) ass

"So..." Rollan starts glancing nervously over at Conor, "what are we going to do when y'know?"

"I turn into a bloodthirsty wolf?" Conor guesses tossing a stick into the roaring fire. He looks up at the reddish sky that was slowly turning a shade of purple, "Abeke knows what to do. Besides this isn't our first rodeo and Briggan is easier to control."


"My counterpart. You see, when I'm human, I'm Conor. But when I turn full monster," Conor explains waving a stick in the air, "I'm someone else aka Briggan."

"That makes zero sense, but okay," Rollan says no less confused.

Conor shrugs, "anyways, I have at least an hour left, then Abeke can make the cage, I suffer through a transformation of basically pain and bam, wolf."

"Wolf the size of a house," Abeke reminds the two boys.

"And what do we do?" Rollan asks Abeke.


"Shouldn't someone stay on watch? In case a monster shows up?"

"Fire wards off almost all monsters with dark intentions," Abeke promises, "we shouldn't have any worries."

"Other than Conor, right?"

Conor throws his hands up in the air, " 'kay thanks for talking as if I'm not here."

"Alright werewolf boy, time to get locked up," Abeke orders looking at the disappearing sun.

Conor rubs his eyes and nods, "get it over and done with."

Abeke closes her eyes and Rollan watches amazed as the faint markings on her skin start to glow a vibrant green. Abeke places both hands on the ground and shoots of leaves start to sprout from the ground around Conor, who looks very bored by the whole magic show. The green plants grow in width and twist to form a spire that covers Rollan's view of the blonde boy. Abeke opens her eyes again and the green fades back to a dull colour.

"Done," she sighs leaning back on a log, "tomorrow once Conor starts to feel better, we'll head to Greenhaven. If anyone knows what to do, it's Olvan."

Rollan nods his head, not in agreement because he honestly had no idea what the half nature elf was talking about. Abeke lies down on a the ground her back to the fire, facing the wooden cage with her friend stuck inside.

Rollan tries to sleep, but it was hard with the painful screaming coming from Conor.

Slowly his eyes fluttered shut and he falls asleep, not noticing the eyes of a falcon watching over him.


Rollan jolts up at the weight on his chest and his heart starts to race into panic. A gryfalcon glares down at him, dark eyes sending daggers into his brown ones. The bird shifts on it's feet, claws resting on Rollan's chest.

Why wasn't he was in bed? Why was he cold? Why was there a fire?

Then everything came crashing down like a wave over him. His mom was missing, he was in the woods surronded by monsters, and he felt very alone. Thankfully Conor was silent again in the wooden cage, so one less thing to really freak out about.

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