Corrupt AU Part One

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All main characters are evil, hell yeah. Can you guess how?

"Get back here you worthless piece of-" the Zhongese Conqueror probably listed off a bunch of insults, but at the moment Rollan was to far away to hear. Breathing heavily he ducks into an alley and hides behind a stack of crates, listening for the stalking Conquerors. The thudding of steps indicate the passing army and Rollan presses against the wall, going deeper into the shadows thrown by the flickering lamp posts. The steps recede and Rollan peeks around the corner to see the coast clear. He safely deposits whatever he stole into his pocket and climbs up the side of the building, his black cloak helping him blend in with the dark shadows.

"You're very annoying," a female voice calls from the alley way.

Rollan rolls his eyes, it was that Zhongese Conqueror chick that he kept pissing off, "why's that sweetheart?"

"Don't call me sweetheart," she snarls. Rollan stops walking to sit on the edge of the roof, giving him the ability to see the soldier. She was small, but her face was twisted and made her look old. Rollan assumed she was his age, maybe 16-18. Still pretty young to play general as indicated on her metal armour. Her silky black hair was in a tight bun pulled away from her face, it looked like it hurt, "you have something that belongs to me."

"Finder's keeper's," Rollan announces taking what he stole out of his pocket. The figurine was attacked by rope and didn't glitter, which upset Rollan. Shiny stuff always sold better than dull. Was that bamboo? The generals eyes widen at the sight of her prize and she scowls in annoyance.

"Give it to me," she demands, obviously used to people doing as she says.

"For this to work, I need something in return. I like shiny things, and this ain't shiny. So, give me that thing you have around your neck and I'll give you this," Rollan offers, "whatever it is," he mumbles at the end.

The girl touches the black rock that hung around her neck, "how about instead, you give me the Bamboo Panda and you can live."

"Enticing, but I'll have to say no, sweetheart," Rollan smirks at the girls negative reaction. With a flash of light a roaring panda appears, white jaws snapping at Rollan's dangling feet. The Amayan boy shrieks and jumps up, dancing away from the sudden bear, "a panda? Seriously? That's more cute than deadly."

"Still screamed like a little girl," the Conqueror points out. Rollan jumps at the sound of a clang and a hook latches onto the roof edge, the rope going taunt. She's climbing up!

"Shitty shit shit shIT," Rollan swears sprinting away before the girl can reveal herself. Jumping into a dark alleyway, he crawls under a porch and holds his breath, not moving a muscle.

The girl was silent, he had to give her that. Even in the bulky shoes given to the Conquerors the only indication that she was there were her feet. Rollan watches as the two feet march past, careful being laid down to avoid sounds. The world shifts and he moves from under the porch to on the roof, looking down again. The girl turns left and right, her eyes going gold before she scowls and leaves the area in defeat.

Rollan crawls out of the ground, not caring about his dirty hands and feet. Essix squaks and lands on his shoulder, flapping her wings in pride of their accomplishment.

"Look like that thing you got me," Rollan mutters inspecting the pendant. The girl called it the Bamboo Panda, but what did that mean? The pendant Essix gave him was carved out of copper and made into the shape of a falcon. So far all its done was sharpen his eye sight, which was helpful as a thief. Rollan decides to slip it on and see what happens. The smooth surface rests against his skin, but nothing happens.

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