Zombie AU (Part One)

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Each part has fancast: CONOR. He looks older bc age up.
Zombie AU
Set in North America present times
No spirit animals
Briggian, Essix, Jhi, and Uraza do exist.
Only Essix is the same animal though whOOPS.
AGE UP. To like 17-18. 19 for Shane I guess?? Isn't he like two years older than Abeke?
Conor grew up with Rollan, not in Trunswick.
No smut. It's implied, but like you won't be grounded if your parents looked over your shoulder.
OTHER LANGUAGE SWEAR WORDS. Best part of writing, learning to swear in other languages. Translations to english at end.
Ships: Reilen, a little Conbeke and a sprinkle of Tashay.

The zombies came a while ago.

Conor didn't even know what started it all. He remembers that school was cancelled, that all electricity wasn't working. Communication was down too and panic was everywhere. Conor, being the innocent 12 year old he was, ignored the issue. He believed that the issue would resolve itself or at least the adults had it under control.

He couldn't be more wrong. The first zombie came to his town a day after he turned thirteen. His family was doing okay, as well as the rest of the community. Word was spreading of three groups that were raising up and Conor wanted to be part of one. His wish came true, but looking back, he wished it didn't.

The only reason he became a Greencloak was because a hoard of zombies swarmed over the wall. He wasn't chosen, or important. He was lucky that Rollan saved his life. The two friends ran away and didn't look back.

Both wish they did. Now they didn't know who survived in their old community. They did manage to find a hunter in the woods.

Abeke was the third member of the group and like them, she lost her family to the zombies. The three were strong, but not strong enough. Soon their unluckyness caught up to them and they got trapped by a group of Conquerors.

Then a savoir came. Tarik. He took the group back to Greenhaven, took them to meet Meilin. Conor felt like he had a family again.

He really hoped he wouldn't lose this one, too.


"We need more food and the water supply is running low. Also, we lost three chickens and one pig to the cold disease and meat is the shortest it's been for a while," Meilin informs everyone sitting down at the table.

"It's not even 7, please keep your depressing details away from me until I'm awake," Rollan grumbles eating an apple.

Abeke nudges him, "it's called being a realist."

"It's called ruining my appetite," Rollan repeats in the same tone.

Abeke scoffs and turns to Meilin, "so I guess that means we have to go out and collect some?"

Meilin shrugs, "we should talk to Tarik before we leave, I think Trunswick is willing to give us some sheep."

Conor rubs the sleep out of his eyes, "while Eric's in charge? Not happening."

"I mean, Dawson did get us a few horses," Abeke reminds him.

"That's Dawson, not Eric. Dawson won't be in charge until his dad dies. Anyways, I think Dawson want's to be a Greencloak," Conor adds.

Rollan ducks his head at the flap of wings. A pigeon hits the table and flaps it's wings, a strip of paper around it's leg. The bird screechs loudly and Rollan winces, "yeah, yeah, shut-up Whiskey," he mutters. He reaches over the take the strip of paper, but Whiskey nips at his finger. Springing backwards Rollan glares at the bird.

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