Soulmates AU (Part One)

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There are a lot of these so I was like LIT I'M MAKING ONE.
Before you ask, if they write down their name or address their soulmate dies or something idk. They just can't do it.
I used Gracie, PurpleRaptor 's OC.


"I hate my soulmate," Conor announces loudly throwing his books on the cafeteria table causing Meilin to jump, "they literally spent 40 MINUTES drawing dicks in my arm with permanent marker."

Meilin covers her mouth to muffle her laugh, "that sounds horrible."

"It is!" Conor whines. Meilin's dark eyes get drawn to Conor's exposed wrist where words were starting to appear.

"Well, they're talking to you again. Are you going to answer?"

Conor crosses his arms, "no. They can suffer the consequences because I am never speaking to them again."

"If it's of any help, the first word is sorry," Meilin points out.

Conor frowns and looks away, not willing to forgive his soul mate yet. Meilin shakes her head at Conor's stubbornness before feeling a pen going against her skin. Rolling up the sleeve of her blue sweater she sees a math problem.

-5t^+5t+10 Find height of board diver is jumping.



Meilin grins at the slopping writing. Her soulmate was generally smart, but could never do parabolas, "Conor, I need a pen."


Rollan looks down and watches as the neat writing appears on his arm. The answer isn't a number though.

Are you at a test?

Rollan scowls. His soulmate was very annoying and not willing to help him cheat.


All you need is the y-intercept.


Rollan watches as a perfect circle is drawn around the 10. Grinning, he answers the final question. Rollan rolls down his sleeve smoothly and waits for a total of one minute before handing in his work. The teacher, a tan skinned man named Mr. Tarik, takes the test, but stops Rollan before he leaves.

"I know for a fact that your soulmate is good at math," Mr. Tarik starts.

"You know who they are?" Rollan asks in mock seriousness.

Mr. Tarik shakes his head, "I see your arm during class. Roll up your sleeve."

Rollan hesitates briefly before lifting it up. He breathes a silent sigh of relief when he realizes that they scribbled out everything in bold, black ink. Even if Mr. Tarik wanted to accuse Rollan of cheating with his soulmate, he didn't have proof.

That was until he picked up a pen.

Crap, Rollan thinks to himself.

Are you still there? I finished the test.

Rollan waits for the person on the other end to respond, but they don't. Either they were to busy or recognized the different penmanship. Mr. Tarik sighs before releasing Rollans arm, "fine. You're free to go."

"Since you wrote on my arm, can I write to Mrs. Lishay? She's teaching science right now-"

"Just get out," Mr. Tarik says before Rollan can finish pointing at the door. Rollan grins before bolting out.

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