Voltron AU (Draft)

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"C'mon Conor, where's your sense of adventure?" Rollan jabs, peeking around the corner, "we're literally going to a school about exploration, it's time we did some exploring."

"You call this exploring?" Conor hisses as Rollan walks down the dark hallway, glancing back once to give Conor a smirk, "I call this getting kicked out of school."

"Let's grab Uraza, hit the town, flirt with some hot girls, we'll be back before Keith knows what happened," Rollan promises gesturing to Conor to hide behind some trash cans. When the guards leave he jumps out, Conor following much more hesitantly behind, "where the heck is he going?" Rollan mutters as the door to Uraza's room opens up, briefly showing a shock of curly black hair, before the boy starts sprinting down the hallway.

"Maybe this is when we call quit?" Conor suggests fidgeting nervously.

"Are you kidding, this is even more reason to go out!" Rollan exclaims grabbing Conor' s wrist and dragging him down the hallway to follow Uraza, "think of it as... team bonding, we always need more of that, right?"

"Well, I mean yeah," Conor stutters and freezes when Rollan yanks him down a hallway to avoid the teachers lounge, keeping Uraza in his sights, "but why can't we team bond by eating food during lunch? That seems safer."

"There is nothing fun about safe," Rollan points out, "why is he going on the roof?" Rollan thinks out loud. Uraza glances back briefly, and Rollan ducks behind a corner, dragging Conor with him. He counts to thirty before looking back to see Uraza gone, most likely up to the roof.

"Let's go," he says, seriousness laced in his tone.


Uraza sighs and tries a new channel, the broadcasted waves coming through. Again the chatter sounds nothing more than static, but the static keeps forming a word, if he could just-

Uraza shrieks shocked when someone blows air by his ear, "What the-?" he yells, throwing his earphones fully off. Twisting around he sees a bored looking Rollan and terrified Conor, "What are you doing up here?" He hisses at the two boys.

"Good question," Conor mutters causing Rollan to elbow him.

"What are you doing?" Rollan questions suspiciously.

"I asked first!"

"I asked second!"

"That's not how this works-"

"We'reupherebecausewesawyou," Conor interrupts rushed. Rollan huffs loudly at Conor's response and Uraza smiles back smugly.

"Well, I'm up here for non-of-your-business," Uraza replies turning back around.

"What is all this stuff? Doesn't look like Garrison tech," Rollan observes leaning over Uraza's shoulder.

"It's not," Uraza explains, slapping Conor's hand away from touching one of the delicate pieces, "I built it."

"You built all this," Conor says in disbelief, hand reaching out again. Uraza slaps the engineers hand away, more harshly than he intended to.

"Yes now if you two could leave," Uraza states, replacing his headphones and going back to changing the channels, looking intently up at the starry night sky.

"Is this about the Erdas mission," Rollan asks, causing Uraza to drop his hand, "because you always lose it when the officers mention it."

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