Soulmates AU (Part two)

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"Uh, Devin?"

Said boy yanks his head off the kitchen table, "holy hell, wait, Dawson what time is it?"

The kitchen table was currently covered in mountains of paper and notes, all dangerously close to tipping. Devin rubs his eyes and looks over at his younger brother who was laughing.

"It's like two am. How many Redbulls did you drink?" Dawson asks picking up a can.

Devin swatts his hand away, "I lost count. It's exam time, and why aren't you in bed? You still have school tomorrow."

"You have school tomorrow, too," Dawson points out, "also I was getting a glass of water." Dawson lifts up a piece of paper and skims the writing, "science? I mean, exams can't be that hard, right?"

Devin crumples up a piece of paper and chucks it at his brother who ducks out of the way, "what grade are you again?"


"Exactly. Shut-up," Devin demands yawning, "I have all academic classes and one reach ahead, this will be my hardest exam week. I need to study."

"Until 6 am?"

"Trust me, Dawson," Devin starts, "I'm not the only one stressing out over this."


Meilin groans loudly head resting in her hands. Conor was beside her equal frustrated, and Tasha wasn't even panicking.

"How are you not stressed?" Meilin asks the white haired girl.

Tasha shrugs, "I have my easiest exams this year. My only reach ahead is English with you guys, which is mostly open response, so little to no studying. I have French which is an oral exam, so talking, Media arts is just a photoshop project and self reflection, and mathematics is just applying formulas. Last semester was harder, science, geography, grade 10 history, and gym."

Conor bangs his head on the table, "I am NOT passing english."

The group was back at the cafe, Greenhaven. The sound of the door opening with a cheerful ding makes the three look away from their work. Conor frowns as Devin walks in followed by his younger brother, Dawson. Dawson was okay, Devin on the other hand, not so much. Conor and Devin used to be friends until Devin revealed his true colours as a bully.

"Conor, that was two years ago, and Devin apologized," Tasha reminds him gently, "and he hasn't done anything rude to you or anyone since highschool started."

"He's still an ass," Conor grumbles rifling through his scattered mass of paper. Tasha scoffs at Conor's stubbornness and rubs her bare arms, which were still covered in video game cheats. Obviously her soulmate was trying to complete the world record for most video games defeated in a day.

Meilin feels a pair of eyes on her and she looks around to see where the sensation was coming from. Her eyes land on the brown haired kid beside Devin, Dawson, who was staring wide eyed at their table. Meilin tilts her head to the side and realizes that his brown eyes were on Tasha who was rereading Lord Of The Flies.

"Hey, Tasha," Meilin says. Tasha looks up from her book, "do me a favour and write something on the back of your hand."

Tasha makes a face, "I have never written on my body, and don't plan to."

Meilin looks back over at Devin who was paying the cashier and realized she only had a few minutes until they would leave, "just trust me," Meilin persists.

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