Pacific Rim AU (Part 3)

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Like I planned for ONE part now I'm BSing two more 😂.  IF Y'ALL MAKE ME DO PART 4 I WILL KILL EVERYONE. Angst fuels me.
Actually only Dasha. New characters, too.

"The Kajiu is going to surface anytime now," Rache informs Worthy. She was working as a construction worker on the wall, but Olvan called her back to train the new recruits.

"Thanks, the bubbles definitely didn't tip us off. Why are you important again?" Devin asks through the comms, his voice a bit staticy.

"Why don't you stop being so fricking sarcastic? Dawson, I am no longer talking to your brother. I will only listen to you."

Rache can hear the faint snickering of Dawson from the other line as Devin sighs dramatically, "oh, what ever will I do? Also cut me some slack, I was in a coma for three months. I deserve the right to roast you."

"To bad your roasts are as bad as your life," Rache grumbles loud enough to be heard over the comms, "also, Kaiju is up and active. Kick its ass."


Stead had a hard time seeing through the wielding mask and he had to resist the urge to rip it off. Sparks were flying around him as he tried to fix up the scratch that White Lion suffered from. It wasn't big enough to cause concern, but if it grew it would have disasters effects. Stead was lucky enough to have say in how White Lion was going to be built, he knew the Jaeger like the back of his hand. This meant that he was in charge of fixing them with his team.

He was also technically in charge of Grizzly and Worthy, too, but he gave up on fixing them to 100%. 70% was good enough. The four pilots were idiots and reckless constantly, not caring about the damage on the machines. Maybe that was a good thing, they finished the job, but it made the Red Team's job harder.

Stead's ear piece crackles loudly and he winces, "what?"

"I need to see you," came the sound of a female voice.

"I'm busy," Stead argues looking down to see Speedy glaring at him, "can you bother someone else?"

"Unfortunately, no. I need the head engineer of Red Team," she explains.

Stead rolls his eyes, "Arrow? Can you take over for me?" He gets his answer when his platform shakes and Arrow stands beside him. Her wielding mask was on so Stead couldn't see her face, but he just knows she's smirking.

"Speedy never comes here unless you got in trouble," she sing-songs.

Stead grumbles, jumping down from the platform to hit the floor. Once clear of the danger zone he removes the mask.

"What?" He snaps.

Speedy rocks on her heels, "did you remember the presentation today?" Her dark brown hair was pulled away from her face and there was a grease stain on her cheek. Knowing her, she knew it was there and just didn't care.

Stead stares at her confused, "the presentation? With the trade class at the highschool?" Speedy says trying to ring any bells, "they're coming here."

"No one told me!" Stead says.

"I e-mailed you like twenty times!" Speedy exclaims crossing her arms.

"Well, I'm busy," Stead argues, "why can't you do it?"

Speedy pokes his chest, "because you build machines. I turn them into monsters. They'll be here in 15 minutes," she warns before walking away.

Stead glares at her retreating back before sighing loudly, "hey, Arrow? Yeah, I need your help."

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