Chapter Four

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The Enchanted Forest; The Past

Regina adjusts her brown leather vest, gazing at herself in the mirror and hoping that her outfit is more accommodating this time around for her new companion. Her fingers rise to lightly brush against her temples, admiring the braids to contain her hair in case Emma has plans for them to go riding once again. She smiles to herself, remembering the way those emerald irises shimmered with excitement the moment Emma mounted the horse. There's an instant flutter deep in her gut and she knows this woman has captivated her.

However, her wonderful memories are quickly shredding to pieces from the rapid knock against her door. Her heart leaps to her throat, knowing her attire is not appropriate for this time of night. She should be in her nightgown already, tucked into her bed and even though she isn't married just yet, she's sure the King would have her head for sneaking off beneath the stars.

Without a second thought, she flicks her wrists, vanishing her riding gear and materializing her white nightgown instead. She scrambles onto her bed, knowing the King will enter without her permission. Her heart feels like lead thumping against her chest as the door creeks open, but to her surprise, it's her mother who is entering.


"Regina, darling, why do you sound so out of breath?" Cora immediately interrogates, narrowing her eyes as she sweeps so dangerously across the room like the predator she is.

"I am not," she confidently retorts, with her chin held high and all the composure her mother has instilled upon her. Even though her heart is attempting to escape her chest and her throat is closing up from fear.

Her mother hums in an ominous tone, her dark eyes roaming over every inch of her body. "I came to speak with you this evening about the wedding," she flatly informs her, perching herself stiffly at the edge of the bed.

"Please mother," she whines because the last thing that she would like to discuss is her entrapment to a man three times her age with that spoiled brat of a daughter.

"Stop your whining," Cora snaps, straightening her posture just so she can peer down upon her daughter for intimidation and it works, because Regina instantly shrinks back. "You're lucky that any King is even glancing in your direction, every girl your age is already married. Yet, you have found yourself in the care of King Leopold and you will not embarrass your father and I. I am tried of watching you mope around this castle over that stable boy. Enough is enough. You are to start acting like a true Queen should. A smile set into place, nodding politely in agreement and most importantly obeying the King's every command."

Regina shivers from the orders, her stomach rolling at the idea of having to be so statuesque for the rest of her life. She will never be free to live or express any of her true emotions again, but that's not even the worst of it...

"I hope you were not foolish enough to offer yourself to that stable boy," her mother grimaces in disgust, causing Regina to flinch from the cruelty in her tone of a deceased young man.

"I beg your-"

"You know exactly what I speak of. The King isn't going to find out that his new Queen has already been soiled by some commoner, is he?" She interrogates, her upper lip curling into a devious snarl as she glares upon her daughter.

"N-no, mother...I-I would never," she stammers at the accusation because her mother severely beat the idea into her head to save herself for marriage, otherwise no King would ever want her.

"Very well," Cora flippantly replies, patting Regina's blushing cheek. "I believe we need to discuss your wedding dress, I suppose white shall be appropriate now," she concedes through a fake smile that has Regina instantly breaking out into a cold sweat.

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