Chapter Twenty-Four

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Regina and Emma decide that it's best to just wait until morning to speak to the Charmings and Henry considering it's eleven o'clock at night and they are most likely asleep. However, Emma needs to speak to Hook now to end this nightmare for once and for all, so together they venture on toward the Jolly Roger.

Emma easily slips her fingers between Regina's and together they strolls hand in hand down the streets of Storybrooke. Regina's heart skips a beat and her mind swirls with uncertainty at first from the public display of affection, but then she realizes that she honestly doesn't give a damn who may see. She's finally with the love of her life and she refuses to ever let her go again. Subconsciously, her grip tightens around Emma's hand.

The streets are barely lit by the light posts glowing dimly from above them. The cold night wind starts to pick up, whipping around them as they make their way to the docks. The only thing that is keeping Regina from shivering from the bitter cold is Emma's hand tightly entwined with her own. She can feel her lover's warmth radiating off her body, seeping into her own flesh and warming up her body. This is True Love.

When they arrive at the pier, they head toward the edge, peering out into the empty sea before them.

"Where the hell is the Jolly Roger?" Emma incredulously asks.

"I'm not sure," Regina drawls, her eyes sweeping across the sea for some kind of clue. "Maybe he was nervous and wanted to sail to calm his nerves?"

The moon is shining bright, bouncing off the waters in front of them while the waves crash against the wood beneath their feet at a steady, rhythmic pace.

Emma exhales a frustrated groan. "Well then, what are we going to do?" With her free hand, Regina flicks her wrists, her mind focusing intently on the dirty pirate's ship and as the purple cloud around them dissipates they find themselves on the wooden deck of the old beat-up ship. "I feel like we are breaking and entering, Regina," Emma whispers directly into her ear.

"Do you want to talk to him or not, Miss Swan?"

The blonde nods curtly, instantly dropping her hand and proceeds forward to find her fiancé. Regina follows closely behind in her shadow as they make their way to the captain's quarters. As they draw nearer, they very clearly hear Killian speaking, but they have no idea to whom. With a shaky hand, Emma cracks the door open just the slightest, so they can hear who he is speaking to without being detected.

"Sailing off like this, into the night, it's the closest I could be with you with tomorrow's event ahead."

Emma's eyebrows pinch tightly together as she tries to comprehend who Hook is conversing with and what the hell he is even talking about.

"Who would have thought the girl I was supposed to keep distracted to fulfill my vengeance, would be the girl who would take all that anger away. I love her."

Emma peeks over her shoulder at Regina, her facial expression clearly puzzled by the situation, but she's just as confused. She shrugs her shoulders and points back at the door, so they can resume their eavesdropping and Emma obeys.

"But will always be the love of my life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I know one day we will be reunited."

Emma's eyes are as wide as saucers when she cranes her neck for the second time for Regina's support. Regina mouths, "Milah" to her, careful not to create a sound while Emma nods along in shock.

This is all rather uncomfortable, so Regina lightly knocks on the door, needing to end this painfully awkward situation. There's a very distinct sound of Hook sniffling, followed by the sounds of a drawer opening and closing. They both lean closer into the door to listen, however the wood keeping them separated flings open in a haste, resulting with a gun pointing directly in Emma's face.

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