Chapter Eight

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The Enchanted Forest; The Past

"Congratulations, you are one step closer to your revenge. Does she know?" Her sniveling magic mirror suspiciously inquires as she sashays so elegantly into the room.

"That I'm responsible for her father's passing? She found comfort in me, it was pathetic," she spits in disgust, no longer in control of the darkness as it wraps possessively around her heart and sparks with thrills of the wickedness that consumes her.

"Then why didn't you end her right there? You had the perfect opportunity to reach between your meshed bodies and crush her heart. The final step to your revenge."

"How dare you question my authority," her voice booms through the room and vibrates off the stone walls. "I have my reasons and I do not need to confirm them with a wall ornament!" And just like that, she is starting to lose her temper once again, like she does most days now, but it's so hard to calm the rage that rattles so maliciously in her bones.

She pivots, expertly blocking her face and emotions from her mirror; she can never allow him to know about Emma. She needs him focused and not irrational from his pathetic jealousy. If she kills Snow White right now, the pretentious princess will never birth Emma and she will never find her lost love again in the future. She may seek revenge on Snow White, but she could never kill the woman, despite everything. Emma would never forgive her if she was responsible for her mother's death.

Her conflicting thoughts are rudely interrupted when a gusting whirlwind occurs behind her. She abruptly spins on her heels to discover Rumpelstiltskin smirking so deviously at her, forcing her eyes to roll and her stomach to twist is dismay.

"Your obsessed piece of glass is right you know," the imp coyly claims with that stupid smug smirk upon his face. His feet move slowly, yet with determination as he begins circling around her as if she is his prey. Her upper lip quivers from the darkness swirling deep inside and begging to be released. "I know your secret, dearie. I'm ready for that favor now," he giggles mischievously provoking her skin to crawl viciously.

"What is this favor you so desperately need me to fulfill?" She curiously inquires, simply intrigued by the mere fact that he's constantly obsessing for her to fulfill this favor when he's certainly more powerful and capable of anything he desires.

"There's a dark curse that I created. It will take us to another realm. I need you to cast it."

"Absolutely not," she instinctively declines without a moment of hesitation. "I am not leaving this realm right now. What I have in mind for my future is far more important than some little curse from an imp," she growls so low that anyone would know better than to challenge.

Except, Rumpelstiltskin, he forcefully steps closer, eliminating the minimal gap between them. Her eyes lock onto his, refusing to ever allow another human to intimidate her again, and she finds a raging fire burning in his green eyes, that has him slowly losing his mind.

"You will. You will. You will," he chants in that eerie voice that sends all the wrong shivers down her spine. "If you do not comply, the precious Snow White will learn the future that is held for her and her family."

Regina squints at the man, allowing his threat to soak in for a moment while she contemplates if he truly knows about Emma or not.

"Don't test me, you pathetic excuse for a man. If you are so powerful, then cast the spell yourself," she bellows into his face, ensuring that he understands she will not be manipulated or intimidated ever again.

"You will regret breaking our deal, dearie," he drawls slowly, his voice low and barely above a whisper as his finger traces her clenched jawline. "You will cast my curse. That is a promise," he threatens before the room fills with black smoke, vanishing the pain in her ass.

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