Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Keep up the good work, Swan," her boss yells as she waltzes out of his office, causing her to stop for a brief moment and flash a smile before she heads for her car. For some reason, today is a day she is just itching to get back home.

It's been one month since Regina left and yes, they still talk all the time, but lately, she has this sinking feeling like it's becoming less and less as the days drag on. During this time, she has kept her promise to Killian, keeping the lines of communication open, in a strictly platonic manner, considering she filed for a divorce the day after Regina left. Apparently though, everyone again neglected to tell her that the marriage license was from a fake town, which means their marriage was never legal in any other state, just in Storybrooke.

So, she has been living free and single for one month. It has been depressing, to say the very least. She has no idea how she lived that lifestyle for all those years before Henry dragged her to Storybrooke.

She hardly registers as the bright New York signs pass her by and she somehow misses her exit while lost in thought. Or maybe that action was subconscious, because another exit comes and passes her by. And before she knows it, she's out of New York and she knows exactly where her destination is now.


She kills the engine, her eyes drifting toward the glowing numbers on the dashboard. It's two o'clock in the morning and she knows she should probably get a room at Granny's and come back in the morning.

Who the hell is she trying to kid?

She sighs and rolls her eyes at nobody but herself, because she knows deep down, she can't wait until morning. She finds the courage to step out of her car and cautiously shuts the door as quietly as possible behind her. Her legs are extra heavy this evening as she walks the path to the mayor's mansion. Truthfully, if she walks any slower, she would be walking backwards.

So many things zip through her mind as her feet carry her down the path she has walked too many times to actually count. Has Regina moved on? Would she even be happy to see her? Will she allow her to stay?

Her body automatically stops when she finally reaches the steps, her head tilting back to analyze the black and white mansion before her. The sensation washes over her and she feels the settling feeling of contentment, this is it. She wants this to be her forever, her home. She inhales a deep breath, begging for her legs to take the first step up the stairs and toward her future.

And suddenly, she can't wait to see Regina any longer, so she climbs the steps in a haste and lightly knocks on the door. She waits impatiently for a few minutes, bouncing between her feet and then tries again, knocking harder this time knowing Regina is probably dead asleep. When she is greeted with nothing but silence, she takes a step back and contemplates if maybe she should come back in the morning. Her feet hop down the steps and follow the path back to her car.

"Fuck it," she mumbles to herself and waves her hand, enveloping her body in that white smoke she hardly recognizes anymore, transporting herself straight into Regina's room.

Her heart flutters ecstatically when her eyes land on the stunning brunette sound asleep in her bed. She carefully tiptoes over to the side of the bed Regina is leaning toward and gently eases down in front of the woman. An overwhelming sensation of love fills her heart and overflows, spilling through her veins when she notices the sheets are flannel. It maybe something small, but that little action means Regina misses her. Regina fought her so hard a month ago and she would never just let her silk sheets go.

Emma timidly runs her fingers softly through those raven locks sweeping down across that beautiful face and keeping her hidden from the world. Long, thick lashes snap open, her big brown eyes expanding to their fullest potential and she knows Regina is frightened.

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