Chapter Ten

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The Enchanted Forest; The Past

Regina has instructed for her magic mirror to keep an especially close eye on Snow White. The snotty princess should be having her baby any day now. She's not entirely sure what she's going to say or do when she actually comes face to face with the woman who ruined her life, but what she does know, is that she cannot sit back and watch Snow toss Emma aside, to a new realm, without anybody to care for her.

From all the stress building up and darkness swirling inside of her, she decides to take her favorite horse out for a ride. She knows all this extra anxious energy cannot possible be healthy when Emma's life is at stake, who knows what terrible things she may surrender to out of fear or panic, so she needs a distraction.

However, much to her disappointment, the adventure doesn't help too much, in fact, it only causes her mind to wander more. Every possible scenario tumbles around in her mind of what's to come, especially the concept of Emma being close to her age one day. Maybe she will actually be frozen in a some sort of curse? Truthfully, that's what she secretly hopes for, because to wait another twenty-eight years for Emma would be her own personal hell.

Of course, she enjoys the peace and tranquility of riding through the woods, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the wind in her hair, but all her mind keeps obsessing over is Emma. All those wonderful days riding alongside of the gorgeous princess, both seventeen, young and free, without a care in the world. If she closes her eyes, she can still hear the sound of Emma's beautiful laughter as they teased one another. She can still imagine how the sun would bounce off those golden tresses and how silky those strands were. Not to mention, those stunning green eyes that always seemed to see right through her, they were always so enticing and mesmerizing. What she truly misses, is the way Emma's thin little lips would pout every time Regina said it was time to leave, and how every time Emma flashed that lopsided grin, she could never deny the princess a thing.

She's not sure how long she was lost in the daydreams of her past, but the sky seems to be turning dark. She inhales sharply, her head tipping back to gaze at the endless sky above and that's when she notices the dark grey storm clouds rolling in. She sighs heavily and kicks her horse lightly, deciding it's best to head back now before she is caught in the rain.

After her horse is safe in the stables, she flicks her wrist and transports herself to her bed chambers. Not even a full minute passes before her obsessive mirror is screaming for her attention.

"My Queen!" Sydney shrieks in a frenzy, inspiring her eyes to roll dramatically. "I've been waiting for your return!"

"Aren't you always waiting for my return?" She snarks sarcastically, knowing she can say or do whatever she pleases because he is trapped forever in that mirror.

"Yes, my Queen," he obediently agrees and he almost sounds humble by the thought, "but I've been waiting for your return to inform you that Snow had her baby."

Regina's body reacts all on its own, spinning around viciously on her heels to glare at the mirror hanging upon her wall. She stomps closer, her heels echoing murderously through the chamber.

"She what?" She screeches, her hand already flicking to change from her riding attire into one of her more intimidating formal dresses.

"I apologize, however it was only moments ago, that the princess was born."

"Guards!" She bellows and within a few moments there is a stampede of her best guards outside her room.

She waves her hand, engulfing herself with her armed guards in her thick purple smoke. She has no time to waste on a carriage ride there, she must get to Emma before those idiots do something irrational.

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