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"REGINA!" She hears Emma calling from down the hall, prompting her to jump into action from panic and rush out their bedroom door. "He's coming!"

Her lips twist into a pout, slightly amused, leaning against the doorframe and watches their one-year-old, naked son stumble as he runs away from her wife. His wet blonde hair is sticking out in every direction while his green eyes sparkle and he bursts into a fit of giggles. Emma appears right behind him, crawling on her hands and knees chasing after him before she decides that she can walk and she fumbles to her feet.

Regina steps into the middle of the hall and swoops down to gather their baby boy.

"He's naked!" A little voice booms as their three-year-old makes her debut from her own bedroom.

She holds her son, Caden, close to her chest, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as Emma approaches with a towel. Her wife's sleeves are rolled up to her elbows, her shirt is splattered with wet patches from their son's splashing and she looks utterly exhausted. Yet, all of that brings a smile to Regina's face and she leans forward to capture the pout her wife is sporting.

"Hey! You're kissing my momma!" Colby screams, bitterly swatting at Emma's leg for her attention.

So, she breaks away from Emma's lips, both of them laughing and smiling down upon their princess.

"Give me him, before he pees everywhere," Emma chuckles, wrapping their son up tight in his towel and carrying him back to his room.

Regina swiftly lifts Colby up, squeezing her tight while pressing a lingering kiss to her cheek.

"I missed you, princess."

"I miss you, momma. You back now?" She innocently inquires, her head tilting to one side while her big brown eyes blink slowly in concern.

"Yes, sweetie, I'm back now. I had to help your brother with his new place," she softly explains again.

"I know. I gonna miss Henry," Colby admits, pouting out her bottom lip and all Regina sees in her facial expression is Emma.

"He will visit, don't worry, okay?" She states with conviction, prompting her daughter to nod happily in return. "Good." She kisses her forehead one last time and places her little feet back on the ground. "Now, go play in your room for a little bit before dinner."

"Okay, momma!" She squeals, darting toward her room as if she hadn't been spending her time with her toys before Regina came home.

She thanks her lucky stars every day for her beautiful family. She and Emma are lucky enough to live in a world with magic and Dr. Whale because with all his crazy science experiments, he was able to come up with a way to fuse Regina and Emma's eggs together. He was also able to come up with a solution to cure her body from that vile potion she consumed all those years ago to defy her mother. So, with the help from Dr. Whale, a sperm donor and artificial insemination, she and Emma were able to create their babies with both of their DNA.

Regina had carried their son, Caden and Emma had carried Colby. They both find it rather amusing that even though Emma gave birth to Colby, their daughter is the spitting image of Regina with her dark brown hair and big brown eyes while Caden is all Emma, with blonde hair and those beautiful emerald eyes.

She sweeps down the hall into Caden's room just as Emma is finishing getting him dressed. She smiles softly at the duo and settles down on the floor next to her wife, handing their son a toy car as a distraction while they talk.

"How were the kids? How are you?" She sweetly asks knowing how exhausted Emma appears after leaving her alone with the children for three days.

She had left to help Henry move into his new apartment in another small town of Maine. She didn't want to leave her wife behind with the children, but Emma claimed it would be too much for the kids to bring along.

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