Chapter Sixteen

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Killian storms out of the Charmings' house, full of rage and pent up frustrations, mumbling under his breath that he knew this rescue trip was a bad idea, but he followed Emma blindly, like he usually does. He's stomping the entire way toward the crocodile's shop and even though Gold will forever be his sworn enemy deep in his heart, they have made amends after the final battle. Besides, he's desperate at the moment for the truth.

The familiar ding above Killian's head sings loudly as he enters the cluttered shop. It's still as dark and gloomy as ever and he can't help but scoff from the idea of being back here once again.

"Gold!" He calls out as he struts toward the counter, his body pumping an immense amount adrenaline from not knowing what his wife has been up to.

He's agitated and focused on uncovering the truth, but a tiny five-year-old comes dashing out from the back and calms down the ill-tempered pirate forcing his way to the forefront of Killian's mind. He smiles down at the lad, spotting Belle rounding the corner to chase after her son.

"Hello, Killian, we heard you were back in town. How are you?" Belle sweetly asks as she leans in for a polite hug.

"I'm...alright," he sighs before he plasters on a broad smile and beams at the little boy. "Look at you, mate! You're getting so big," he compliments, earning himself a proud smile from Gideon and a stinging high-five. Killian ruffles the boy's dark hair before turning his attention back toward Belle. "I need to speak to your husband, I need a favor," and of course, this is the perfect time for Gold to make his grand debut from behind the back curtain.

"Prepared to make a deal, pirate?" Gold condescendingly proposes and maybe he's attempting to sound polite for his son's sake, but Killian can clearly hear the sarcasm dripping from the man's bitter mouth.

"Rumple," Belle warns, "just help him out. No more deals, you promised."

Rumple glares suspiciously at Killian, but nods his agreement for his wife's benefit. She softly kisses her husband on the cheek and waves goodbye to Killian before she exits the shop, escorting Gideon by his hand down the sidewalk.

"You're in town to search for Regina and you set aside time to pay me a visit? I'm honored," Gold sarcastically quips, tidying up whatever peculiar objects he left upon his glass countertop.

"No need for small talk," Killian scoffs, leaning onto the glass case. "I need you to show me Emma and Regina. I need to see where they are right now," Killian demands, his index finger jabbing the glass below to express how serious he is, but the Dark One simply smirks deviously back at him.

"Are you absolutely sure about that, dearie?"

"Aye." Rumple breathes out a malicious chuckle as he pulls out a mirror from beneath his glass case. "And this mirror," Killian suspiciously investigates, eyeing the object warily, "will cross realms if they aren't in Storybrooke?"

"I assure you they are here," Gold declares in a very low tone that has the former pirate squinting at the man cautiously.

Rumple settles the mirror down between them, propping it up against a few books before his long fingers slowly wave in front of the glass. The image before them gradually appears, yet both men remain expressionless as if they already knew what was coming or maybe neither one wants to express their true feelings toward the situation. However, the Queen's vault appears and Emma is straddling Regina's lap, holding her face as the mayor's hands are wound tightly in red leather and they share an extremely passionate and very much private kiss.

Rumple cranes his neck, eager to witness the heartbreak upon his enemy's face, but that's not at all what he finds. His dark eyebrows scrunch together in consideration as he examines Killian's impassive face.

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