Chapter Nineteen

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The simple words of, don't stop, tumble recklessly from Regina's lips without ever registering in her troubled mind. The problem is she has waited for the love of her life for far too long and honestly, she doesn't care anymore if the woman is married (under false pretenses) or confused about their current situation. All Regina knows, is she is tired of watching her happy ending pass her by, she's been asleep for forty years and she's finally awake. And by the intensity in those enticing green eyes, she can feel how much Emma needs to surrender to the moment just as much her own. She is going to take her time though and revel in the moment, vowing to never forget a single second.

Emma's delectable lips press tenderly into hers and they are just as delicious as the last time they shared a kiss, except this time, she can feel the hunger radiating off Emma in pulsating waves of desperation. This woman parts her lips immediately and Regina follows along with her, needing to taste her tongue once again. Emma's warm muscle sweeps across hers and it takes every ounce of control to suppress the strangled moan lodged in the back of her throat.

Regina threads her fingers through that long mane, before tangling her fingers in the silky tresses and stealing a fistful. Emma's hands are supporting her own body, so to maintain her balance she uses one hand to slide teasingly up Regina's thigh. There is far too much need vibrating between them, encouraging Regina to be more assertive and take what she wants, so she sucks a pouty bottom lip between her teeth, provoking a deep groan to escape from Emma's mouth. A new wave of arousal crashes through her body from just hearing how turned on Emma is in the moment.

Regina nips at Emma's lip again before she slowly pulls away, their heavy gasps of desperation filling the silence between them. She narrows her dark eyes, reconnecting with the dilating pupils before her as she tightens the wild mane in her fist. "You're going to have to be quiet, because if you make one more sexy noise, I'm just going to take you right now. Hard and fast," she strictly orders, while hopelessly trying to catch her breath.

"Challenge excepted," the savior concludes with that little cocky grin stretching far into her flushed cheeks.

Emma lunges forward, planting a rough kiss against Regina's swollen lips and effectively shutting her right up. Regina melts back into the couch while her lover follows her body the whole way down, molding their bodies together and all her mind is doing is willing herself to stay calm. She has wanted this woman for too long and she doesn't trust her own body to remain so patient after all those years of longing.

Regina's fingers easily find their way underneath Emma's thin t-shirt, eagerly trailing up and down the freckled back and causing that milky-white skin to breakout in goosebumps. And Emma's hips are reacting instantly, pressing down against Regina's, silently begging for some much needed attention.

Regina's body ignites with scorching heat that travels violently through her blood from the sensational pressure she craves against her needy core. Her hands respond without her mind, curling into Emma's shirt in an attempt to free her and she immediately feels Emma's smirk against her own lips before the blonde leans back. Emma puts on a show as she pulls off her shirt, leaving a nice display of her full breasts that are being pushed up together by her red lace bra.

Regina subconsciously bites down on her bottom lip while her greedy eyes rake over that unbelievably sexy, yet toned body. Her fingers sweep along the pale flesh exposed just for her, creating a little trail from Emma's back to her flat stomach. She lightly brushes the back of her fingers up each abdominal muscle, admiring as each one flexes beneath her teasing touch. When she reaches just below the bra, she traces the path of the material until she is back at the clasp. As her fingers diligently unhook the lacy material, her eyes flick to Emma's that are already waiting so lovingly for her. She swallows thickly, the intensity in that one look is almost too much to accept, but Emma offers her a faint, crooked little smirk which instantly persuades Regina into delicately sliding the straps down her arms.

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