Chapter Nine

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The Enchanted Forest; The Past

Regina stands regally before her mirror, her gaze enthralled by the events playing out before her. A devious little smirk curls around the corner of her mouth as she observes a comical scene displaying before her. Snow White, Prince Charming and their pitiful peasants are all gathering around an enormous wooden table that the princess has no business being in charge of. They are deep in conversation regarding their plans to stop the dark curse, each peasant more idiotic than the next as they speak over one another.

Imbeciles. The rumors about her plans with that vile curse have been floating around for quite some time now, but she has yet to cast it. Do they honestly believe she will succumb to the Dark One's demands and allow yet another human to control her? She already refused Rumplestiltskin, and she hasn't a clue as to why he still believes that she is going to cast it for him?

She scoffs under her breath, agitated by the stupidity of it all, and that's when she notices an annoying, pesky, little bug flying above the table. Blue.

Stupid moth.

"This is far more in depth than just the Evil Queen casting the Dark Curse," Blue cryptically begins to explain to the crowd as Regina groans at just the sound of that woman's voice.

She despises that controlling fairy for stealing Emma away from her. If Blue would have just allowed her to continue seeing Emma, then she wouldn't have tumbled down such a dark path in her life. Every time she would visit with Emma, the young woman brought her hope. Yet, as fast as the beautiful blonde came into her life, is as fast as she was ripped away from her.

She shakes those haunting thoughts away, what's done is done and right now she needs to focus on the joke playing before her.

"What do you mean, Blue? Are you saying Regina has more planned for us than just the Dark Curse? Rumplestiltskin explained how our baby will be the one to break the curse and then the final battle will begin," Snow dutifully divulges on the information she received from that intrusive imp.

"Yes, and that is all true. However, what he neglected to tell you is why. Many years ago the Evil Queen uncovered valuable information regarding her future. She wasn't told many details, except that there will be a woman who can change her life for the better, fill that aching hole in her heart..."

"Please, don't tell me that our daughter is the woman," Snow retorts bitterly, the evidence of disgust plainly written across her face.

Blue slowly nods, shame washing over her face. " I believe that is why she is after you."

"Well, what do we do?" David angrily fires off. "We cannot allow this to happen," he cruelly demands as his voice booms off their castle walls and his hand automatically falling to the sword perched upon his hip, ready for battle. Regina scoffs.

Of course, Blue would expose Regina's intimate life details, this is exactly why she cannot stand that nosy fairy. Can't anyone keep a secret around here?

She listens intently, hanging on every word as Snow and her followers plan to have the wood carver build a magical wardrobe that will take them to a land without magic, so the baby will be "safe". However, Blue confesses that this magical portal only possesses enough magic to transport one person.

Now she must keep an even closer eye on Snow White. The minute that princess goes into labor with Emma, Regina needs to somehow make sure that Snow doesn't put her baby in that wardrobe. They cannot possibly send that innocent child away without any protection.

The only solid information she has about her future with Emma, is that time will stand still and her and Emma will only be a few years apart. She has been desperately trying to figure out when and where that will all take place, but she's been following the idea blindly, hoping everything in the end will work. She just needs to ensure Emma's safety.

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