Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Regina slowly peels her eyes open to find Snow, David, Zelena, Hook and herself all standing in the middle of Main Street of Storybrooke. Her worried eyes quickly flick around her surroundings in panic, knowing that this is exactly where Emma will have to fight the Final Battle with Gideon. And then her gaze lands upon Emma standing in front of Henry with his back turned from the group that magically appeared from thin air.

Everyone takes off running in sync, down the street so unbelievably thankful that they are back and weren't disintegrated in the Enchanted Forest. The Charmings jerk Emma in close for a tight hug while Regina does the same to Henry. However, green eyes sparkle as they drift in Regina's direction, over Snow's shoulder. Gradually, she and Emma pull away from their loved ones to find each other once again.

Emma holds her sword low in one hand as she wraps her free arm around Regina's neck and it's so familiar that Regina's mind is instantly brought back to their time as teens, sword fighting in the Enchanted Forest. She's so overwhelmed with emotions that quite frankly, she doesn't give a damn who is around to witness their affection for one another. She shoves her hands into the warm pockets of that tacky leather jacket and yanks Emma flush against her own body. Their lips connecting immediately for a tender kiss.

"God I missed you," she murmurs into the short kiss, persuading a deep chuckle to tumble from Emma's lips.

"Well, I didn't remember you soooo...".

Regina laughs along, threading her fingers with the Savior's and guiding her off to the side for a private conversation.

"So, this is the part last time where I gave you some hope speech," she acknowledges, very closely watching as the light dims in Emma's beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, a third way, right?" Her girlfriend playfully winks to lighten the mood, but Regina knows her well enough to detect the uncertainty in her tone.

Of course, they remember all too well what occurred and how every detail played out, but Regina would be lying if she said she wasn't still nervous. They changed the course of the future, twice now, and who knows if that somehow results in a different ending for this battle?

"Yes, Miss Swan, a third way," she solemnly states, hoping to settle the anxiety her girlfriend is suffering through. "The third way being that you and I were always meant to be. I love you so much, Emma. You and I both know you will come out of this alive. You know what has to be done, but I just want to remind you, that you're the love of my life," she confesses, her thumb caressing the back of Emma's hand while she loses herself in those enticing eyes. "From the first moment I saw you, two seventeen-year-old girls, young and free, I knew you were more than just someone who would fill a hole in my heart. You are, my everything and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."

She cups her silky flushed cheeks and dips forward for one more meaningful kiss that will stay with Emma through the toughest battle she will ever have to face. Emma hums so softly while their lips remain connected, refusing to break away just yet. Two matching smiles stretch against one another before Regina finally backs away.

"Go get him, Em."

A whirlwind of black smoke engulfs the street of Storybrooke and as the fog dissipates, the crowd finds Gideon pressing a sword to Snow's neck, provoking the Savior to start the battle. Emma slips away from Regina's hand, her sole attention on her mother and her captor as she runs down the dark street. Regina quickly follows behind until she is tucking Henry into her side.

"I promise you, Henry, your mother is going to be just fine," she confidently whispers into his ear before pressing a loving kiss to his cheek.

She cannot possibly watch what is about to come, she's already witnessed this scenario once before and it almost killed her the first time. Yet, her eyes are glued to Emma who is already holding out her sword, showing no signs of weakness as she circles Gideon.

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