Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You have to stop doing that, or your mother's not going to let you keep visiting me," Emma exasperates to Henry as his skeptically eyes study every inch of her face in disbelief.

"Regina? She's here?" He questions, a sparkle of hope shinning so brightly in his eyes that somehow seem sadder than they usually express.

"Who's Regina?" She fires right back, so damn confused on what the hell her son is rambling on about today.

Most days she notices how he inherited her rambling mouth, but today she is starting to panic more than she usually does, but she won't allow her true feelings to show. That's how she landed in the psych ward to begin with. Maybe he is starting to lose his damn mind just like she had so many years ago, but she's been working very hard with the doctors to earn her freedom once again. However, deep down, she hoped this day would never come, she doesn't want her only son to end up like just like she did, in a mental facility with every privilege ripped away.

"My mom," Henry whispers, leaning into the table to keep his confession from prying ears. "Your girlfriend. Your one true love."

"Kid, I would never date your mom. I pretty sure that woman hates me. Did you forget that she's the one who put me in here to begin with?" She scoffs, but then her mind does wander to the dark woman, remembering the way she constantly eyes her closely. "Then again...she does give me these weird looks sometimes...but no, I would never date Fiona," she babbles on, shaking her head to wipe away those diluted thoughts.

"Fiona? Who's-"

"Henry! There's my boy," Fiona beams, gliding so effortlessly across the room toward their table with that evil little glint sparking so maliciously in her eyes.

Emma's stomach bottoms out from the anxiety that only seems to explode in hot flashes of rage every time this woman comes within a five foot radius of her. Why would Henry ever assume that she is or was ever dating this wicked woman?

"Madam Mayor," she politely greets the woman knowing her freedom is quite literally being held captive in this woman's icy grasp. However, when the formal name slips off her tongue something deep inside has her shuddering. It's all wrong, it's as though that name once granted her happiness, comfort even and now it feels like it's tainted, like this woman before her doesn't deserve that title. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he was coming today."

Fiona seductively bends over the table, leaning dangerously close into Emma's personal space. Her son's other mother is speaking to her, but her mind is drowning in fear and anxiety from the idea of this woman snatching away her freedom for another minute longer. As of lately, things have seemed like she's constantly walking in some hazy dreamland and she's unsure how long she's actually been in the facility. And she knows if she wastes another week in this place, she will end up losing herself completely.

Fiona and Henry are speaking now and before she can comprehend what is occurring around her, her son is swooping in to hug her goodbye. Her mouth curls into an even deeper frown because she doesn't want him to leave, not when he is the only thing left in her life that actually feels safe.

When her son is finally pressed lovingly up against her body and the anxiety is slowly ebbing away, he whispers in her ear, "Whatever she wants you to do, don't do it!"

Something in her gut clenches, telling her that she needs to listen to him, that something isn't right here. She eyes him closely, her face skillfully impassive after all the years trapped in this damn prison and that's when Fiona demands that she takes her medication. She knows in the back of her mind that she shouldn't, but she doesn't want to cause anymore problems with this woman, which will only result in a longer sentence.

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