Chapter Twenty-One

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Regina wakes up with her limbs tangled in a beautiful mess with Emma's, draped in the new, soft flannel sheets. Even though Regina insisted that Emma buy the silk sheets instead. Boy, did they argue like an old married couple in the store before she decided to surrender, it is Emma's house after all.

Regina had arrived Thursday evening to spend the weekend with her potential love interest and now it's Sunday morning and there's a very present sinking sensation in her gut. She spent every second in Emma's presence, a notion she does not take lightly because the only person she has ever spent so much time with is her son. They only ever left the tiny apartment to eat or the one time they ventured out to buy new items to dress up Neal's place to feel more like Emma. Otherwise, they dedicated most of their glorious weekend in bed.

When Regina's with her, she can feel all the stress of life melt away. Emma has a way about her and it makes her feel young again, not just young, but back to the girl she was before death, loss and heartache darkened her soul. It's terrifying, but she knows she loves this woman more than life itself and she already is dreading having to leave.

She knows Emma won't follow her.

"Mmmm, look at that sexy pout," Emma's raspy voice purrs as her long limbs stretch and she rolls into Regina's side.

Regina smacks that toned bicep playfully, rolling her eyes in annoyance, but it's obvious it's all for show considering that she is tugging Emma impossibly close, breathing in her warm scent of vanilla mixed so perfectly with sex.

"I don't want to leave," she confesses through a mumble against the valley of two very naked and swollen mounds.

"Then don't," Emma simply states like it's such an easy solution and there isn't an entire town waiting for her back home.

"I have to. I'm sure the paperwork is piling up on my desk. Besides, I would like to see Henry before he drives back to school."

The sleepy blonde hums softly in response while gifting Regina a sweet and lingering kiss on top of her head. Regina squeezes her eyes closed, trying to soak up every moment as her heart clenches painfully because she's really going to miss mornings such at this. She loves waking up with those messy, tangled locks wrapped around the both of them, while their naked bodies form and mesh together as one.

She sighs deeply, taking in that familiar scent one last time while her lips pucker against a thumping heartbeat and she memorizes the peaceful tranquility of the moment. Her lips lightly drag across a silky breast, until she finds her destination and plants a loving kiss to the scar right above Emma's left breast, earning herself a soft moan. She gently backs away, moving painstakingly slow to connect their lips for a lazy kiss before she rolls out of bed.

"I need to shower and then get on the road," she acknowledges as her body shivers from the morning air and she stands up from the warm bed.

Her gorgeous lover stretches once more with that dopey expression plastered across her face while she holds her arms out, inviting Regina to come back to bed.

"No," Emma whines her protest. "Get back in bed," she pouts and god it's so infuriating just how adorable she is.

"I can't, Emma. It's a long drive back," she firmly states, even though her heart is screaming at her to shut the hell up and get back in that bed before it's too late.

She ignores the needy portion of her brain and disappears into the bathroom. She welcomes the scalding hot water as the liquid cascades over her aching muscles. She doesn't remember the last time her body had that much...exercise. Her muscles are deliciously tight, not to mention how sore she is between her legs, but she happily sighs, loving every bit of it. That's when she hears the bathroom door opening and she watches in great amusement as Emma enters.

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