Chapter Fourteen

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Henry rushes over to his grandparent's apartment with the storybook tucked securely under his arm, something he was sure he would never have to do again after the final battle. His heart is racing and his hand is trembling as he pounds his fist against the locked door with every ounce of adrenaline surging through his body.

"Grandma! Grandpa! Open up!"

His fist is suspended mid-air, ready for another beating against the door when the old green wood flings open, but much to Henry's surprise, his stepfather is the one who answers.

"Bloody hell kid, what's all the ruckus about?" Hook playfully asks as he finishes yanking his t-shirt over his head.

"Where are my grandparents?" Henry cuts to the chase, forcefully barging his way inside and closing the door behind him.

"They are at their farmhouse, they said I could stay here until Emma comes back. This place is far too small for all of us to be trapped in," Hook nonchalantly informs him, following his stepson to the kitchen. Killian proceeds to prepare himself coffee, tossing over his shoulder, "So, what has you on edge this morning?"

"A new page appeared in the book," Henry states, setting the book down onto the counter and flipping through until he lands on the very last page. "My moms are together, they're in the Queen's castle."

"The Evil Queen..." Killian skeptically drawls, but Henry is quick to shake his head.

"Killian, she's not evil anymore," he firmly demands, but Killian breathes out an aggravated sigh and rolls his eyes. "I wanted grandma to see this page. See what she thinks about it," Henry rambles off as his eyes absorb every inch of the new page.

"Look mate, I don't know about you, but all of this can't be good for my marriage, don't you think?" His stepfather inquires and Henry can see by the furrow in the man's eyebrows that the former pirate is trying his best to appear calm, when deep down the revengeful Captain is just pleading to rock the boat.

"It's just my moms," Henry flippantly says, "before I went to college they were always together. This probably has to do with light and dark magic," he so casually recommends, but when his eyes trail up to meet Killian's piercing baby blues, he senses something that reaches deep within himself and rattles his gut. Gently, he closes the book and slowly pulls it safely against his chest.

"Henry, all I'm saying is that if something pulled Emma and Regina away together to find their true destiny...then I don't think that anything good could come out of it for me."

Henry hugs the book closer to his chest and simply offers a curt head nod as his response, something he picked up from his brunette mother. He just knows in his heart that something is off with the former pirate and he will not allow him or anyone else anywhere near the book to disrupt whatever might be occurring between his mothers.

"I think it's best if I show this to my grandparents," he authoritatively announces before he struts confidently out the door, but of course, Killian is grabbing his leather jacket and following him out the door.

Henry decides it's best if he borrows his mother's bug to drive them to his grandparents'. In less than ten minutes, they are all gathering around the kitchen table while Neal is sent to his room, so he doesn't have to hear about everything going on around him.

Snow and David inspect the page awfully close, noting right away that Emma and Regina are now in the Queen's castle. Their faces are impassive, but their eyes refuse to leave the page and there's that unsettling feeling in Henry's gut again.

"It's a little strange that the only caption reads, The Savior will learn about her true destiny, while forcing the former Evil Queen to relive her past," Snow reads out loud through a deep frown.

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