Chapter Fifteen

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Emma's family are all sitting around Snow's kitchen table, patiently waiting for Blue to finish examining the new pages that had mysteriously appeared in Henry's storybook. Henry studies the fairy's face closely, skeptically watching as her eyes roam over every detail and her lips slightly quiver as she reads over the intricate script and he can't help but notice the lack of surprise upon her face; no emotion, she is as calm as nature before a tornado swoops down and wreaks havoc upon an innocent town, like she expected all of this to happen.

This strikes Henry the wrong way and he immediately rips the book out from under Blue's nose, pulling it toward himself to protect his mothers from whatever this woman may know or need to know from the book.

"Henry!" Snow scolds, her dark brows pinching together, flabbergasted by his sudden rudeness.

"She knows something," Henry accusingly growls. "What is it Blue? Tell us the truth," he coldly demands and not one person in the room can deny how much this young man is his mother's son when his blood is boiling, all Regina Mills.

Blue stands tall, straightening her posture and anxiously smoothing out her clothes while she clears her throat and works up the courage to reveal the truth. Except...

"I'm afraid that would be inappropriate, Henry. I don't believe Regina would appreciate me telling people about this...situation," she vaguely replies.

"Blue, can you at least explain how that mirror is back? We thought you destroyed it," Snow curiously investigates while kindly handing the fairy a cup of tea.

Blue sighs before taking a sip to calm her inner battle, wondering if she should expose her secret, a secret nobody has ever had the privilege of knowing. She glances over at Hook, knowing all too well that he will eventually be crushed by this mayhem. And she sighs again, turning her attention back to the former princess and relents.

"Honestly, when I began to destroy the mirror, I had no idea the effect it would have on young Regina. The sheer agony of that child crying out in pain, forced me to turn around from my task and witness as her world came crashing down around her. I've never seen someone so tortured before in my life and I couldn't continue. I made it seem as though I was destroying it, but I actually put a protection spell on it, so Regina couldn't find it again. I placed the spell for forty years, so neither Regina nor the mirror could find each other. After the forty years completed, I figured it was only a matter of time before this would happen. Truthfully, this took a lot longer than I anticipated. I believe fate was waiting for Regina and Emma and they were always so close, but never followed through," Blue explains through her deep regret and the shame gracing her face is on full display for everyone to see.

"So close to what?" Killian suspiciously inquires.

"Follow through with what?" Henry fiercely demands as well.

"That I cannot say, Regina and Emma will have to explain that when they return," Blue states with conviction, wiping away her remorse and plastering on her stern expression that usually contorts her face.

"So, my moms are okay then? They will come back safe?"

"Yes, Henry, there's nothing to worry about. I promise you that," Blue confirms with a genuine smile that allows Henry to relax for the first time since Regina's disappearance.

"Well, I need answers now!" Killian bellows before he pushes away from the kitchen table and storms out of the house.


The Enchanted Forest

Regina reluctantly pries herself away from Emma's dainty lips that are now stained in ruby red lipstick, their evidence of betrayal.

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