Chapter Six

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The Enchanted Forest; The Past

She's on her way to visit Emma again and she cannot help but think how this is going to become more difficult soon. Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day where she will be forced to marry King Leopold, forced to be his Queen and raise his bratty daughter. Her mother denies her any say in the matter, but this is nothing new. The only thing that's helping her cope with the idea of being King Leopold's wife and Snow's stepmother, is that she can escape that life every now and then to see Emma.

Regina patiently sits upon a rock, their rock, waiting for Emma to meet her at their spot. Today, she opted out of dressing fancy to impress the princess and decided to wear casual riding clothes, in case the adventurous blonde comes up with more activities for them to indulge in. Emma thinks that she doesn't enjoy the tougher activities, but on the contrary, she actually adores that side of Emma. She absolutely loves how Emma always wants to try new things, she loves the nature of her wild and crazy side. Emma was right when she said she wasn't an ordinary princess, but Regina's fairly confident that's what draws her to Emma and makes her keep coming back for more.

Even though she knows it's incredibly wrong and will most likely ruin her life one day, yet again.

Emma still believes Gina is a princess from another Kingdom, who escapes for her freedom. Technically that is the truth...Regina just neglected to tell her the part where she is from the past.

Her thoughts are unexpectedly interrupted, when she realizes that she's been waiting a little too long for that corky blonde princess. Emma is usually right there whenever Regina is transported through the mirror. Just then, she is pulled from her thoughts when she hears a twig snapping from somewhere behind her.

She abruptly spins around and calls out, "Emma?" She doesn't hear a response, so she tries once more, "Emma, is that you?"

She hastily stands up from the rock and jumps down, venturing on in search of where she assumes the noise was coming from. As she starts cautiously shuffling deeper into the forest, she feels an eerie sensation, as if someone is watching her. Her imagination gets the best of her and all too quickly, her mind is concocting thoughts of all the things that could possibly go wrong.

Fear scatters through her blood as the little hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention, warning her that something is off. That's the exact moment when she feels an arm wrap around her entire body, pinning her arms to the side. She tenses as panic and horror cloud her better judgement while her captor's free hand covers her mouth to prevent her screams from being heard.

The stranger's lips hover over her ear and their warm breath tickles the shell. "Don't scream or else."

Regina sags in relief as the person releases her mouth. She would know that voice anywhere.

"Or else what? You'll punish me?" Regina sarcastically quips, grinning wildly, but she expertly holds back her laughter.

A small groan escapes her attacker's lips and inspires Regina to slowly peek over her shoulder, coming face to face with the most gorgeous set of green eyes. She places a small, gentle kiss upon a blushing cheek and studies how that complexion burns crimson.

Neither one of them can move. She feels as though there is a weight added to her feet, keeping her rooted to the ground below. She observes as Emma's eyes flutter shut while she slowly releases a ragged breath, and Regina is convinced Emma has been holding that single breath the entire time. When green eyes open, again, Regina swears they are filled with lust.

Emma tentatively leans a little closer, eliminating the small gap between them. Regina holds her breath knowing all too well what's to come and because she is so unsure of herself, the only person she has ever kissed is Daniel.

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