Chapter Twenty

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Emma falls back to her heels allowing Regina the space to fling her legs over the couch and to stand up all while the obnoxious buzzing through the intercom still screeches through the apartment.

Emma darts across the living room to the speaker and presses down on the button as she leans in close to answer the delivery guy. "Yeah?"

"Chinese delivery."

She immediately grants the man access and turns toward Regina, her face scrunching in confusion as her lips morph into a frown. "Chinese? Really?"

Regina smiles proudly, tossing the skinny jeans directly at Emma's face. "Get dressed," the mayor demands in the strict tone that always does far too much with Emma's insides than she cares to admit.

So, she obeys, stumbling and attempting to wiggle into her the tight denim, but struggling from her skin coated in a sheen of sweat. It also doesn't help that Regina chucks her t-shirt at her face as well. Emma attempts to glare at the woman, but her mouth seems to be permanently etched into a smile upon her dopey face. Post orgasm syndrome.

She peeks through her lashes and watches as Regina saunters across the room like the queen she is, despite her nakedness and disappears into the bathroom without another word. And god does she want to follow her in there, maybe turn on the shower and get lost in that woman all over again, but her dreams are rudely interrupted by the rapid knock from the delivery guy at her front door.

She quickly yanks on her shirt while jogging to the door and jerking it open. She pulls her hair out from the back of her shirt as her eyes slowly travel up to discover her husband standing in the hallway, holding up her and Regina's food. She swallows hard.

"Emma," Killian gasps, tugging her flush against his burly chest for a tight hug. "I've been so worried, love. Are you alright?" He sincerely inquires, but she is completely frozen.

She cannot move, cannot think.

The silence only lasts for a split second though before the bathroom door creaks open, sending her heart into an erratic state as if she's being chased in some horror movie. Her eyes double in size and thankfully, something finally clicks in her brain to pull away from Hook. As her feet shuffle backwards, she hears Regina clearing her throat.

"Killian, what are you doing here?" Emma blurts out once she places some appropriate space between them.

"Aye," he clears his throat, his baby blue eyes shifting between both women before speaking again, "Regina left in such a hurry, I wondered where she could possibly be running off to. So, I followed her here and my suspicions were correct," he accuses, his eyes narrowing and darkening with a type of loathing only a true villain can possess.

"So, what? You were just waiting like some stalker downstairs?" Emma fires back without a moment of hesitation.

"Not a stalker," he corrects, "I am your husband. You wouldn't answer any of my calls, Emma. So, I waited for someone to let me in," he casually explains, not thinking anything is wrong with his actions.

"I didn't answer your calls for a reason," she rebuttals as calmly as she can possibly manage under the circumstances.

Regina sashays so regally towards them and Emma thanks her lucky stars that her secret lover dressed before making an appearance. The former queen struts right up to Killian and Emma holds her breath, thinking she might smack him across the face. However, she gently steals the bag from him and walks toward the small eating area without a word spoken, leaving Emma and Killian both to stare at her in bewilderment, watching each move intently.

Regina's head snaps to attention when she feels the heavy scrutiny upon her. "What?" She flippantly asks, shrugging her shoulders so carelessly. Neither Emma nor Killian can find anything to response with, but they proceed with their blatant staring. "I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all day and I've worked up quite an appetite," she nonchalantly insinuates as she gingerly unpacks the food before her.

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