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Ezra P.O.V
I killed her and I had to. When I did, I saw tears in everyone's eyes. Hera was crying the most. Kanan tried comforting her but she pushed him away. Then she came up to me and slapped me.

Hera: I can't believe you killed my daughter.

Kanan: Calm down Hera. He didn't mean to.

Hera: He killed her.

She kept attacking me until Kanan stopped her. I got up from the floor and I had tears all over my face.

Ezra: It was a mistake joining this crew. I never thought my own mother would hit me.

I went to my room and cried. I realized that the crew would be better without me. I packed my stuff and headed to the town. I didn't need them. I went back to the streets, where I belonged.

~Days later~

Sabine P.O.V
I woke up and I was in my room. I checked to see if I had my injury and it was gone. I got out and went to the common room to find the others.

Sabine: Guys, what happened?

Kanan: You don't remember?

Sabine: No. All I remember is Ezra killing me.

Kanan: Shh. Don't say his name.

Sabine: Why?

Kanan: Hera is kinda emotional at the moment. He killed you, she got mad. She beat him, she was confused. He left, she got sad. I helped you, she was happy.

Sabine: Ezra left. 

Kanan: Don't say his name.

Sabine: When, where?

Kanan: Probably to the city. But don't say his name again.


Kanan: Told ya.

Sabine: Kanan, how did you help me? And shouldn't you be running to the hills?

Kanan: After you got hurt, I used the force to force heal you. You passed out for a couple of days. In those days, we searched but we couldn't find him anywhere. As for the running, I can handle her.

Sabine: We have to find him. I need to talk to him.

Kanan: We tried. He isn't anywhere.

Sabine: I'm not giving up on him. Why are you?

Kanan: I'm not.

Sabine: Then help me.

Out of nowhere, Hera came in and gave me a hug.

Hera: It's okay. I miss him too.

Sabine: I want him back.

Hera: It will be okay. Have patience. We'll find him. I have to apologize for what I did too.

Sabine: Thank you mom. Thanks for not giving up on him.

Hera: No problem. I'll never give up on either of you.

Ezra P.O.V
It had been days. The crew didn't look for me so I got a small job. Stealing. I was used to it, and I'm an expert thank to the force. I stole anything I wanted.

~Hours later~

I was walking around when I saw a girl walking around. She had a nice ring on her hand. If I got it, I would have food for a month. I walked over and tried to talk to her. When I did, she pulled a plaster on me and I went unconscious.

~The next day~

Sabine P.O.V
I waited and waited. Since we searched for Ezra and he didn't show up, I had no choice but to take matter into my own hands. I called up a friend and had her do my job.


Ketsu: You sure this will work?

Sabine: Yeah. If I know anything about him is that he will look for a way to make money. He'll definitely see the ring.

Ketsu: This better work or you owe me big time.

Sabine: Do this. I'm already paying you. That's all the "big time" you'll get.

Ketsu: Can't believe I have to be the princess.

Sabine: You wanted to be me before, if I remember correctly.

Ketsu: Why can't you do this?

Sabine: He'll run from me if he senses me with the force. Oh, by the way, you're missing something.

Ketsu: Please not a...

Sabine: Wig. It will help you fit in. Now go. You're a bounty hunter after all.

~End of flashback~

Now I was waiting to see if she had found him yet. And I hope she did. She's the best bounty hunter I know. She doesn't fail.

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