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Tristan: I'm so happy your alright.

Sabine: We are brother.

Sauat: You know us better than just to fight without calculating the situation outcome.

Tristan: Calculating the outcome?

Sabine: No way. You're a mathematician!

Sauat: Alright, you caught me. I didn't want to tell you 'cause I knew you'd make fun of me.

Marnie: Wow, seems like you've all gotten really close.

Sauat: We have. Like I told you, we're a family no matter what.

Tristan: But not you.

Sabine: Tristan!

Tristan: Sabine, she's the traitor.

Sabine: Sauat was too and we took a chance on her. Why can't you do that for Marnie as well?

Ursa: Enough. All of you.

Sabine: Mother, we need to talk.

Ursa: Indeed. The choice has been changed.

Sauat: How?

Ursa: Out in the battle field, you all dared to take risks to save and support each other. Sabine, you showed leadership in helping defend Sauat, with Tristan as your backup. Sauat, you came back to face us even if you knew the outcomes of the situation. You faced your fears just like Sabine did.

Alrick: You have all become better warriors than you would have other wise.

Sabine: Dad!!!

Tristan: Where have you been?

Alrick: No where special. Ursa, continue.

Ursa: Alright. You all showed me what you could do for your people, and family. For that, I'm grateful. That is why, our decision is no more.

Sabine: Does that mean?

Alrick: Sauat, welcome home.

Sauat: Really? Mom? Dad?

The two parents nodded their heads as their daughter ran to them and embraced them in a hug.

Sauat: Thank you. Sabine, thank you as well.

Sabine: That's what family is for.

Every fighter clapped for the return of another princess back in the clan. The family got in a hug, but something caused trouble. Sauat look behind her and saw Marnie walking off.

Sauat: I'm grateful for this chance to come back, but I can't take it.

Everyone: What?

Sabine: What are you talking about? We went through all of this for nothing?

Sauat: No, because now I know our parents love me and that I can always return. Sabine, you're right when you said family is important. Marnie is family and if she's considered an outcast, then I'll join her. We made the same choices yet she has to leave. If she has to, I will to.

Marnie: Sauat, you don't have to.

Sauat: Yes I do. We'll train in the ways of the jedi. Find a new path.

Marnie: You belong here.

Sauat: So do you.

Marnie: No I don't. I trusted Vader and that was my mistake. I should have listened to you, but I didn't. It's time to pay for my actions. I'd say "See you later", but we both know that's not true.

Sabine: Wait a minute. You can both stay. You're part of this clan no matter what happens.

Marnie: You're a mandolorian; I'm a sith. We can't change that. Now, I must go. And by the way Sabine, the jedi boy is a keeper. You two look cute together. Sauat knows where I'll be. Send me the wedding information. I'll be there, one way or another.

Sabine: Alright.

Marnie: Hey, this isn't goodbye forever, just until we meet again. And may the force be with you.

That day, Sabine had won a war, had a member in her clan, but lost a sister. Marnie walked of as Ezra put his arm around Sabine. Tristan and Sauat watched them, then looked at Marnie walking. One by one, they went back home and got on their ships.

~The next day~

Mandalore rejoiced. After Sabine fought for what she believed in, she got the empire to leave the planet. Mandolorians had joined together and got their freedom restored. The planet rejoiced as the royal family took charge and the lost princess had returned. Now Mandalore was ready for a new age.

~2 years later~

The capital was celebrating a big day. People were ringing their bells for the celebration that was taking place in the castle. People from all over the galaxy arrived as the day everyone had expected finally arrived. Everyone celebrating was one story, but in the new castle, it was a whole different side.

Prince Ezra and Princess SabineWhere stories live. Discover now