Chapter 1

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"There are five factions. Erudite, who are the smart people. Amity, that's where we are; are kind and peaceful. Candor, who are always honest. Dauntless, who are fearless and value bravery. The last is Abnegation, who are selfless; they help the factionless who don't have a faction. There is a test that tells you what faction you are, but they say you don't have to choose the one you get. You get to decide what you want to be and where you want to go."

"Maeve honey" my mother shakes her head, I turn to look at her. "He's only a baby, he's got a long way to go before he chooses." I don't though. Today I take the Aptitude Test to see which faction I get. I know for a fact that I am not Amity like my parents, I'm not kind, peaceable, or always happy.

"I'm sure you will get Abnegation, you never say no when someone needs help. You would do well there." She's wrong. I'm not like them, I don't say no when people need help because I'm afraid of disappointing them. I hate that; the thought of not living up to the standards that others perceive of me. Would I be disappointing my mother if I didn't choose Abnegation?

I pondered the thought, pulled out of it by the happy squeal of my little brother Takoda, hitting his food on the tray and giggling at the mess. Laughing a little, I leaned over and kissed his forehead, Takoda babbling nonsense in response. I check the time and slip on my shoes for school. Before I walk out the door, I glance back at my baby brother. Would I be disappointing him if I left Amity?

I pondered at that thought too while on the bus to school. I get off and make my way to my bench. It's not mine exactly but I sit here every morning and watch the Dauntless kids jump off the train in their black clothing; some of them had fiery red shirts on underneath their black leather jackets. I look down at what I was wearing. A yellow dress with a burnt orange sweater, a necklace with the Amity symbol on it, tan sandals, and my school bag. I have always been intrigued by them. By how much they were free.

I follow the rest of the Amity in. Some were 'politely' shaking their head in disagreement because of Dauntless and their rowdy ways. Making our way inside we were all placed in the same class taught by an Erudite woman. She was explaining the history behind our factions, the war, our founders, something they throw at us each year so this was nothing new to learn.

'You should choose the faction given to you by the test to ensure success but you are free to choose whatever faction you want. Once you make that choice there is no changing it.'

Our names are called five at a time and taken to rooms with the testing equipment. While waiting for my name to be called, I think about my thoughts from earlier. I'm not Amity or Abnegation. What if I don't get any faction? What if I'm destined to be factionless? Is that even possible? I was so lost in thought that I didn't even hear my name being called repeatedly.

A boy from Candor nudges me, finally pulling me back to reality. I stand up abruptly and follow the woman to the testing room. I was greeted by a Cando woman who smiled at me.

"Hello, I'm Alexandra and I will be testing you today." I responded with a quiet hello.

"Not a talker huh? I thought Amity were the social butterfliers, spreading your kindness everywhere. Oh well, come and take a seat kid." She patted the chair. Folding my hands in front of me, I quickly shuffle my feet and scooch onto the chair.

"Now, I don't exactly know what this liquid stuff is but you are required to take it. It does science stuff and helps the test see what faction you get. So, take a sip babes!" I down the blue liquid, my eyes blurring until they focus again. 

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