Chapter 13

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"If you're ranked above the red line, you'll move on to the second stage of training. If you're below it, we'll waste no more time on you." Max stalks us from above. "Here are your rankings." Above the line please! Please be above the line!

We all were looking at the screen in front of us with anticipation. Names began appearing on the board. Seeing my name on the board I gasp. Tenth! I got tenth! I can't believe it! I'm moving on to stage two! Looking for Nat's name, I see it in fifteenth! Someone leaped on my back, it was Nat.

"We did it M&M! I can't believe it. We move on!" She squeals in my ear before going and cheering with others. While most were cheering, there were some who were sobbing grossly. If you weren't in the top were now factionless. I'm just glad that I'm not one of them.


After all the new factionless people left, it was now Visiting Day. I'm hoping my family will be here today, I miss them dearly.

"Attention." Eric announces to us remaining in initiation. "I'm going to give you some advice about Visiting Day. If by some chance, some of your families do come, just remember; Faction Before Blood. Don't seem too attached to them, it would be shameful and suggest that you aren't pleased entirely with this faction. We wouldn't want that would we?" the threat of cruel punishment lingers in his words.

"You're here to become Dauntless, so act accordingly." With that we leave our dormitories and make our way to the pit. My heart thumping wildly in my chest as I look for my parents.

A baby squeals with joy loudly, it was a happy squeal. I knew who it belonged too. Turning to the direction of the sound, Takoda has spotted me through the crowd somehow.

Takoda squirms, freeing himself from my dad's arms. Running past Eric, I kneel on the ground to meet my baby brother. Wrapping him in my arms, I give him a big squeeze.

"Oh, my little Koda! I've missed you so much!" Takoda just repeats the word 'MaeMae' over and over. IT's how he says my name. Standing up, I'm greeted by a kiss on the forehead by my dad.

"Hi dad!"

"You look so grown! Oh, my little girl, look how strong you are!" he steps back and looks me over. Tears on the brinks of his eyes, which he quickly wipes away.

"Dad, where's mom?"

"Y-your mom, didn't want to come" was all he said, sighing. I knew why she didn't come. She was disappointed in me. She wanted me to choose either Amity or Abnegation, and I chose the one that is nowhere even close to those options.

"So, you've had the Dauntless Cake yes?" he asks changing the subject.

"Of course I have dad! It's amazing!"

"That's one thing I miss about Dauntless, the cake!" dad laughs.

"Would you like some?" I spun around seeing Eric behind me, looking at my dad.


"I'm Eric, one of Dauntless' leaders." Eric extends his hand to my dad. "You're Maeve's father?" he asks.

"Yes, I am" my dad answers shaking Eric's hand. "Wow! I don't remember Dauntless leaders being so young!" they both laugh. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Eric is meeting my dad.

"Thank you, sir! Now, who is this little guy?" he turns his attention to the baby in my arms.

"This is my baby brother Takoda!" I exclaimed. Takoda reached out to him wanting Eric to hold him; Eric gladly took him from my arms.

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