Chapter 10

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A week has gone by already. Training has gone by so fast. The end of phase one is just around the corner. I'm above the line, so if I don't screw anything up, I'll make it to the second stage.

Today we are working on knife throwing. We did it in week two for about three days before we moved on to other things. They must go over it again though so we can perfect it. I was pretty good at it along with Tris and a few others, we were naturals. Others, were not; Al still has not been able to stick a knife even close to the board.

Eric was getting pissed.

Al was standing in-between Tris and I. Al threw the knife and it clanked as it hit the ground, nowhere near the target.

"That was pathetic." Eric appeared behind him.

"It slipped." Al scoffed; that was a mistake. Trying to keep to myself, I concentrated on throwing my knives.

"Well, go get it!" Eric yelled, obviously annoyed.

"What, while they're throwing?" yes you idiot, just do it!

"Are you afraid?"

"Of getting stabbed by an airborne knife? Yeah."

"Everybody stop." Eric was beyond pissed. The room quieted as no one made a noise. "Stand in front of the target." Al obliged, gulping, and made his way to stand in front of the target. "Four, gimme a hand here." Four stood from where he was seated.

"You're gonna stand there while he throws those knives. And if I see you flinch, you're out." This is just ridiculous, I thought shifting my weight to a more comfortable stance. Not a huge fan of Eric's discipline strategies.

"One thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional." Four walked to the table with knives, picking a few up. He approached the space between Tris and I, where Al used to be standing.

Readying his throwing stance, Tris stopped him before he could throw.

"Anyone can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove anything."

"Then it should be easy for you to take his place." Eric challenged her. Tris traded places with Al.

"Same rules apply."

Tris slowly let out her breath as she looked at Four standing a distance in front of her. Four whipped a knife, landing it near her right hip; no flinch.

"Oh, come on, Four." Eric taunted. Another was thrown, landing the left side of her head; no flinch. "You can get closer than that."

"You want me to give her a little trim?"

"Yeah, maybe just a little off the top." Four threw one just above her head, quickly throwing the last one on the right side of her head; no flinch. She pulled her head forward and brought her hand to her ear. The knife had just nicked it, drawing a little blood.

"Points for bravery, stiff. Not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth...Now watch yourself. We train soldiers, not rebels...but we're done for today. Get out." I could not get out of there any faster. I took the way past the Chasm, many still not wanting to go that way because of previous events.

"You seemed a little eager to leave." Eric. I stopped midway through the bridge. "Afraid to lose your little friends Pinky?"

"That is not my problem" I snapped, coming closer to him. "My problem is your stupid discipline strategies."

"Stupid discipline strategies?" he questioned, folding his arms and looking pissed.

"Yes, forcing someone to not flinch? It's stupid. Flinching is your body and mind preparing to defend itself. Isn't that what you taught us for fighting? Using our bodies to block coming attacks. Without 'flinching', you're just being stupid and reckless."

"You might want to choose what you do next very carefully." Eric growled coming closer.

"Or what?" I laugh "You'll hang me off the side of the Chasm? Oh, wait, you've done that already. You'll make me be reckless and stupid by standing me in front of a target while you throw knives? Or better yet...just go ahead and kick me out? Well, fine, do it...kick me out. I don't want to stay in a faction where all the leaders do is bully people into submission because their feelings got hurt or for the fact that they think that they have the biggest d*ck here.

So, either kick me out or stick it back in your pants." I begin to walk away when he barks my name, grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. Glaring, I'm about to protest when I feel lips connect with mine. Electricity running through my veins, sparking something inside me. I close my eyes, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back. His free hand grabs my hips, pulling me closer.

Pulling apart for air, I come to my senses and realize what just happened. The look on his face told me he just realized too. We let go of each other and put distance between us.

"we can't do this again" he starts.


"I'm a leader"

"And I'm an initiate."


"No one can know either."

"Yes, I agree"

"they might start thinking that I'm sleeping with you to pass initiation." I try to laugh it off.

"Yeah, no, I don't want people thinking I slept with you." Oh, ouch, that stung a little.

"I'm gonna go now" I awkwardly say.

"Yeah you should" that hurt a little too. Turning around, I speed walk away.

Am I really that repulsive looking that he wouldn't sleep with me? Of course not, he wouldn't kiss me if thought me repulsive. I continued to debate with myself as I continued walking. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I was standing in front of the tattoo parlor.

Might as well, I thought. Walking in, I look for Puppy, who has just finished giving someone some ink.

"Hey blondie! Haven't seen you in a while. Here for ink?"

"Yeah, what kind of flower tattoos you got?" he showed me some of his pre-made designs. Deciding to go with some flowers across my left shoulder.

Thanking and hugging Puppy, I made my way back to the dormitories; showing them the tattoo if they asked where I've been. That way, no one will get suspicious.

I went to bed smiling about our little moment on the Chasm bridge; I will enjoy the memory forever, even if it is the last.

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