Chapter 15

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Today is the fourth day with the fear sims. Four was right, the fears got worse. I've dealt with bugs, tripping down stairs in front of important people, and losing someone I loved.

That was the worst one yet. Seeing my little brother being murdered in front of me, brings me nightmares.

A routine is starting to take place in initiation. Everyone tiredly gets up and quietly eats. Everyone shuffles into the plain waiting room. Waiting for each of us to be dragged into our own personal h*ll. The routine continues with everyone saying what they went through to their friends in hushed voices.

Nat and I agreed to not talk about our sims. We both just wanted to do it and get it over with so we can become official Dauntless members.

A Dauntless-born quit, she couldn't handle it. She'd rather be factionless. Not me, I'm going to be Dauntless no matter what the cost.

Four called me in and I prepared for what might be the worst.


I'm in Dauntless. It's deserted, dark, with only a couple dim red-lit lights.

Wandering around the pit, I try to make sense of my fear sim.

Walking into the mess hall, music is being played softly. It was creepy music, like someone was winding one of those old pre-war music boxes.

Sitting in the middle of the leaders table, was in fact a music box.

Confused, I approach it, picking it up and examining it. A little dancer was spinning around as the music played. There were little carvings in the wood of flowers and leaves, covering the corners.

Taking the lid of the box, and closing it slowly; the music instantly stopping. Silence fills the room, something isn't right.

Slowly backing up, my back collides with something that wasn't there before. Spinning around, and stumbling back, a shriek escapes my throat.

It wasn't awkward and lanky. No, it was big and muscular. Biceps flexing every time he heaves up and down; veins pulsing through its massive body.

The music box falls from my grasp, scrambling away, I keep my eyes on it. The clown just stood there, heaving as it watched me with its blood-red eyes.

Spreading its face into a wide cheshire grin, the clown lets out a maniacal cartoon laugh. Not wanting to stay here any longer, I make a break for the exit. The floor rumbling and booming like thunder lets me know that it is following me.

'Don't slow down Maeve! Keep going!'

Running past The Chasm, my brain briefly considers hurling myself over the edge. Not slowing down, spelunking is out of the question now I guess.

The clown was gaining on me, my body tiring out.

'Think Maeve, think! How can I get out of this?'

Slowing down my heart-rate was out of question.

Quickly glancing over my shoulder to see how much distance is between the clown and me. There wouldn't be enough time to stop running to slow my breathing. I must think of something else; looking over my shoulder to check the distance between us, he's getting closer.

'D*mn, why couldn't I be afraid of something else.' Starting to think of other ways to get rid of the sim.

'Honestly, I'd rather be running from Eric right now.'

Then the thunderous booming stopped. Turning to glance quickly, the clown is no longer running after me, but a person?

'What is going on?'

As the person nears, their features are easier to see.


Coming to a halt, my mind blanks, having no clue what is going on.

My eyes widen as he nears, he's wearing white paint on his face, with a red nose and a creepy red smile painted on his face.

"What the fu—


Back in the testing room, extremely confused. Looking to Four, I'm hoping he would know what just happened. Only to find Four looking just as confused as I do.


"Do not tell anyone about this; especially leaders. Go back to the dormitories. If anyone asks, just tell them that you weren't fast enough and the clown got you. I will come and get you tonight when everyone is asleep."

"Wait why?"

"We need answers. The only way we can get those answers is by going to Candor, and finding the person who initiated your aptitude test."

"Why, though. Four, why did my sim change like that? What is going on?"

"Maeve, I think you're Divergent."

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