Chapter 3

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Today is the Choosing Ceremony and I still have no clue what I'm going to choose today. There is no way I'm Abnegation. I'm not Amity, I don't feel it...or Candor. The only other options were Erudite and Dauntless. I couldn't choose one of those could I? in the sim, I did choose meat and fed the dog, that had to be smart. I also jumped onto the dog to save the girl. That seemed very brave of me; if I did things like other factions did...then why did I get Abnegation? Oh man, I'm probably going to end up factionless.

I was again pulled from my thoughts when I heard Dauntless kids yelling with joy. I remembered that we left our house but I guess I was so busy in my own world that I didn't realize we made it all the way to the building held specifically for the Choosing Ceremony.

Entering, we were surrounded by hundreds of people. Looking out I saw all the Dauntless, wearing black, dark red, many had piercings and tattoos. If I were Dauntless, I would get those.

I walked by Candor and white with little lowlights of black, adding contrast to their clothing. They all functioned in an orderly fashion. Next was Erudite and their blues, they all had a sophisticated meaner to them. Amity's section was next. We all had different Earthy tones; yellows, burnt oranges, tan browns. All so joyous and happy. Abnegation all sat there in their grays. Trying to make themselves unnoticeable. Jokes on them, they were technically making themselves stand out more by being totally silent and still. Except for those Abnegations who were still pilling in.

We found seats for us, to my request ones that were lower to the floor. We waited for the Ceremony to start. My dad chatting with friends, my mother laughing with some woman who sat behind us while holding baby Takoda. Since almost everyone was at the Choosing Ceremony she didn't want to look for someone to watch him. I hope he is quiet during this. It would be humiliating if he were to interrupt the Ceremony. Everyone would be upset with us for not keeping a child under control and happy.

In the center stage, five bowls were placed. Each with a faction's symbol and an element that represents that faction. A shimmering silver knife was on a table nearby. We were to cut a bit of our palm and let a drop of our blood hit the objects in the bowl of the faction we choose. We were then supposed to sit with our new faction until the Ceremony was over. Then our new lives would start in our new faction.

When the Ceremony was ready to begin, everyone clapped as Erudite's head leader Jeanine Matthews stepped on stage. She then gave us some information on the faction system. Abnegations head leader, Marcus Eaton then approached the stage.

"Faction Before Blood" we all stated together.

He began calling out names for them to come up and choose a faction. A boy from Candor chose Amity. He was instantly welcomed and given a seat. His parents could be heard sobbing, as if their son was just offed in front of them. 'Caleb Prior' a boy from Abnegation, chose Erudite. 'Beatrice Prior' I assume his sister, was next. She looked like she was going to stay in Abnegation but chose Dauntless instead.

More name were being called until it got to me. I almost didn't hear him, 'Maeve Madore'. I slowly rose from my seat. My hands were shaking, no, my whole body was shaking. My previous thoughts came rushing back to me instantly. I'm going to disappoint everyone! I don't belong anywhere. I'm destined to be factionless. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can't stay in Amity. I know I'm not Abnegation, my test had to be wrong! What faction am I??


I hear Marcus Eaton yell along with a loud uproar from the Dauntless side. Wait what?? Looking down at my hands I realized what I did.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that I made a straight beeline to Dauntless' bowl, grabbed the knife and sliced my hand right directly over the hot coals without any hesitation. Still confused, I almost took the knife with me, but quickly spun around setting the knife down. I walked fast to the Dauntless section still in the misunderstanding of how I blacked out and didn't realize I chose Dauntless. A man from Dauntless patted my back as I sat down next to the other new members.

After the Ceremony was over we were given a bandage for our hands. I glanced over to my parents. My dad nodded his head at me as if saying 'it's okay we aren't mad' he patted my mom's knee. She was bouncing Takoda in her arms, he was getting fussy probably. I followed the rest of the Dauntless members as they ran outside. I ran with them to the train station, feeling the wind blowing in my face, a big smile broke out on my face.

They started climbing the racks to get to the train tracks which was high off the ground. Hiking my dress up a bit I began my process of climbing. Helping my dad back in Amity involved climbing trees, so I didn't have that much of a problem with climbing up. I could catch my breath for a moment.

A train rounded the corner and it was coming fast. They were grabbing handles on the side, stepping on a small foot space and pulled themselves in. 'Seems easy enough right Maeve?' I thought to myself. Running along the side of the train, I quickly grabbed the handle pulling my feet up too so the momentum of the train wouldn't tear my limbs off. Struggling to pull myself in, I was grabbed by someone and pulled in.

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it, I'm Uriah."


"It's nice to meet you Maeve. I got to say I was impressed watching you at the Choosing Ceremony. Once your name was called, you strutted up to the Dauntless bowl with a wicked look on your face."

"I-I wasn't smirking." I scoffed folding your arms and looking at your shoes.

"no no no" he laughed "you were definitely smirking. You had this look on your face that said 'b*tch you don't even know. I'm here to 'F' this sh*t up'". Others nearby who were paying attention nodded their head in agreement,

Another Dauntless-born next to him, whom I didn't know the name of added "don't disappoint us now".

Smiling politely and adding a fake giggle, I responded "hopefully I won't". I turned away looking at my shoes again. 'Don't disappoint us now'. Great, more people to please that I don't know how too. My head was filled with more worrisome thoughts.

"Get ready" someone yelled to everyone.

Get ready for what?

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