Chapter 19

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This is the second time waking up in Eric's bed; two days in a row. Pulling the sheets up to cover my chest.

'Where did Eric go?'

Can't help but thinking that one of these times, Eric is just going to kick me out. It's so awkward, I don't know what to do in these situations.

My attention goes to a door creaking open on the right-side of the bedroom. Eric strolls out, freshly showered with nothing but a towel around his waist. Can't help myself from blushing at the sight of his body. Eric had way more tattoos on his body than I thought; they were beautiful. So many different patterns and words, etched into his skin. Glistening from the water droplets running down his bare chest.

Strutting over to me, he bends down and stares directly at me. Blushing at his closeness, I pull the sheets tighter to my chest.

"Morning Pinky. Did you sleep well?" he asks in a husky voice. Not being able to form words, I just nod my head quickly. "Good" he quips, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before walking to his closet.

"Shower, I'll make us breakfast." Eric drops the towel revealing his fully nude body.

Turning away, I give him some privacy. Except I can't look away. I can't help but stare at his beautiful body. No, it's not my first time seeing Eric nude, but its different. Before, it was when we were, intimate; this isn't the same.

Eric catches me staring and I jerk my head away from him. Embarrassed that I had just been caught staring.

He lets out a loud chuckle, "You're welcome to stare Pinky. I don't' mind" he smirks. That c*cky b*stard. Waiting until he leaves the room, I speed into the bathroom. Glancing in the giant bathroom mirror, I notice my bright red, blushing cheeks.

Stepping into the shower, I notice a new bottle of shampoo and conditioner, for women; along with a fruity scented body wash. I knew they were new because they weren't there yesterday when I showered.


It was weird yesterday. I was woken up by hundreds of little kisses from Eric. He woke me up with just enough time to shower here and make it back to the dormitories before anyone woke up. Easily slipping into bed and 'woke up' without anyone wondering where I was.

My fear sim threw me off yesterday. My fear of being factionless. I was a wreck afterward, immediately going to Eric afterward for comfort. I didn't tell him about the sim though, he would have just lectured me to death, and then I ended up here again.

A wave of happiness came over me. There's an ache in my chest. It's not a hurtful ache, it's just an ache in my chest when I think of him. It's a powerful, emotional ache. I honestly don't know how to deal with it.

Finishing my shower, I grab a towel from the rack. Wrapping the soft towel around my body, there's a knock on the bathroom.

Slowly opening it, Eric was standing in front of me with a pile of neatly folded clothes.

"You washed my clothes?"

"No, not yet. I just looked at what sizes they were the other day and just bought some."

"You bought me clothes?"

"Nothing fancy, just basic initiation clothing for when you stay over." He handed me the clothes and walked out of the room.

Closing the bathroom door, I'm flabbergasted. He bought me shower stuff and clothes. My mind races with questions and theories as I get dressed. He lied, these aren't basic clothing, this is way softer!

Slipping into kitchen, I slowly sit on a stool and his counter-top bar. Staring at his back, I see how his muscles move while he cooks.



"You like me, right?"

"Yes, I like you."

"Do me, like me?"

"Maeve, I don't just cook for anybody you know. I don't buy things for just anybody either. Especially not tampons." He mumbles that last part under his breath, but I'm able to hear it.

"You bought me tampons?!"

"And pads. Didn't know which one you preferred."

"Why. Why would you do that?" I asked as he grabbed plates for us. They were up high and took advantage of that, watching his muscles stretch.

"I don't know." He pauses to dish up food, "maybe it's because I...'like you, like you'? "he smirks c*ckily as he takes a seat next to me and begins to eat. Omelets, he made omelets. I love omelets.

"What does that mean to you though; that you 'like me, like me'? Is this you asking me to move in with you?"

"What?" he puts his fork down, facing me with a puzzled look.

"I-I mean, you bought me shampoo stuff a-and tampons, and clothes! Looks like moving in stuff to me!"

"Maeve, we can't exactly be seeing each other intimately. I'm your leader, and you're still in initiation. I want to continue being with you though. So, I took precautionary measure to ensure we won't get caught. Clothes, so you won't show up in 'the night before clothing' also because I have my own washer and dryer; so, you won't have to fight for that with others. Tampons and pads because I know you need those and they can get expensive on an initiates budget. Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash so you can shower in privacy and not have to worry about your fear."

I couldn't say anything; the ache was back. He really is trying to be with me. Trying to blink back tears, don't let them fall Maeve. You suck them back in!

All I could do is wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a tight embrace. He honestly doesn't know how much I appreciate this.

Letting go, he turns is face away from me, clearing his throat before continuing to eat. Eric was hiding his blushing cheeks from me!

Finishing my breakfast, I had to go back to the dormitories before anyone woke up.

I didn't leave before giving Eric a soft kiss on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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