Chapter 12

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Eric came to get us and lead us to a train which immediately started moving. Turning my head, I saw Four pulling Tris into the train car; she almost missed it and probably would have been kicked out of Dauntless if she did.

Christina and Will greeted her wondering what she was doing.

"I just figured that I had to make it."

"Who let you out?" Eric butted in.

"I did" Tris responded blankly.

"You did?" he was pissed, Eric turned his head to me, shrugging my shoulders, 'girls got guts, let her stay'. An awkward silence fell upon everyone nearby before Eric let out a 'okay', walking away.

After a couple of more awkward minutes, Four speaks up, dropping some duffel bags onto the floor.

"The game's simple. It's like Capture the Flag."

Eric opened one of the bags, pulling out a weird shaped gun, "Weapon of choice."

"You call that a gun?" Molly scoffed. Loading the weapon up, Eric pulled the trigger, hitting her leg. Molly groaned in pain, falling backwards and onto the ground.

"Nero-stim dart." Eric pulled it out of her leg. "Simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound. Only lasts a couple of minutes. Two teams Four and I are captains."

"You pick first." Four offered.


"I'll take the Stiff."

"Oh, picking the weak ones so you got someone to blame when you lose."

"Something like that."

Eric picked Peter next, and Four shocked both Eric and I when he picked me. They finished picking members and we jumped off the train in different spots.

"Where did Eric's team go?" Christina asked.

"They must have gone to the end." Will responded.

Pulling out our bright orange flag, Four told us to turn out lights off. We started discussing strategies. I don't really care what we do, I just want to be up high! Being from Amity, I was practically born in the trees.

Four and Tris located Eric's teams flag from the top of the Farris Wheel. Discussing our positions, we made a break for it. Instantly, I clamber up a tree, leaping from branch to branch, eyeing my team mates from the ground.

Noticing a group of Eric's teams trying to locate our flag, I begin to stalk from above, taking them out one-by-one.

Climbing my way back to see how my team was doing, I see they were pretty even, firing back and forth. Getting in a good position, I located the group that were going in on the side to retrieve the flag. I was their sky assist, hitting targets that were a long distance away.

A rustling on the ground appeared close by. Looking closely, I could recognize that it was Eric. As quietly as I could, I followed him, climbing lower to the ground.

I was so close to being able to shoot him when the branch snapped, sending me tumbling down. I forgot I gained some weight with these new muscles of mine.

I dodged out of the way of his stim dart, hiding in a bush, crawling around so he didn't see where I was.

"Come out, come out, whoever you are!" he sang.

Jumping up from my current hiding spot, I shout "Hey", getting Eric's attention. Hitting him in the chest with a stim-dart, he groans in pain, ripping the dart from his chest. Grabbing the nearest tree, I hoisted myself up only to be pulled down and shoved against the tree.

"You're going to pay for that Maeve." He growled through gritted teeth.

"You pinky promise?" smirking playfully.

"Stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Doing that thing with your face when you're all giddy. It's making me nauseous."

"My face makes you nauseous?" I fake gasp, sounding slightly offended.

"Yes, when you smirk like that? It makes my stomach feel weird."

I had to laugh a little, I didn't know what else to do.

We heard cheering and whooping in the distance. Eric lets me go, knowing a team won. Running back to where everyone was, I see Nat holding Eric's teams flag on top of the tower.

"Yes, Nat! Way to go gurl!" I yell, running to her. Making my way up to her, I started singing loudly. "We Are The Champions, My Friend!"

"And we'll keep on fighting, Til the end!" Nat joins in on my rendition of Queen.

"We are the Champions. We Are The Champions!" we yelled at the top of the tower; our other teammates joining in now.

"No time for losers!" Making an 'L' shape on my forehead, directing it to Eric specifically. I might be crazy, but I swear I think I saw Eric smiling again.

"Cause we are the Champions...OF THE WORLD!!" we yell hooting and hollering, all the way back to the compound.

Politely declining an invite to a party I make my way back to the dormitories; climbing trees is tiring. I just wanna sleep!

About to head into the dormitories, Eric's voice stopped me.

"That was quite something back there." He laughed.

"Which part? My amazing sniper skills? Me shooting you? Or my lovely rendition of Queen's 'We Are The Champions'?" I giggle putting an 'L' on my forehead; mouthing the words.

A smile on his face, and laughing in amusement, he grabbed both of my hands.

"I kind of just liked you in general."

"What?" I asked, when his lips met mine. It was a soft kiss. Kissing back, I enjoyed the h*ck out of it. Pulling away, he rested his forehead against mine.

"Goodnight Pinky" he whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead and sauntering away.

I went to bed that night confused as h*ll but smiling like a madman.

Wait, Does Eric like me?!?!

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