Chapter 17

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Surprisingly, it has been very easy to avoid Eric. Eric hasn't been around at all. 'Okay, calm down Maeve. It's been like a day, you sound like a needy girlfriend.'

We had today off from initiation, so I've been wandering around all day. Visited Puppy already, spent most of my time there today. Decided to put something on my legs this time. These beautiful trees, starting at my ankles and running up my legs. The highest tree reaching my mid-thigh.

Bored, I wandered by the clubs of Dauntless to see if I could swipe a drink without anyone noticing. Initiates aren't allowed alcohol, didn't stop most of them. I spotted a few of them grinding on each other and taking shot after shot.

Target sited, this drunk fool is barely conscious. I could easily steal his drink. Smirking to myself, I maneuver my way around the sweaty crowd of people, closing in on my prey.

The drunk was too preoccupied with his shoes to notice my hand reaching for his mug. I was too preoccupied with my mission that I didn't notice the man next to me grabbing my wrist harshly.

Petrified, I had been caught, but not by just anyone. Eric, of course, it couldn't be anyone else? If you were to get caught breaking a rule, Eric is the last one you'd want to be caught by.

Eric yanked me closer to him. Putting my free hand out to stop myself from colliding with his chest. Being this close to him, I can smell the alcohol in his breath.

"I need to speak with you Pinky." Eric slurred out, almost stumbling over.

"What about?" It can't be, he can't know about it. Then again, it is Eric, wouldn't be surprised if he knew; he's probably got connections. 'Don't be ridiculous; if he knew then I'd be dead.'

"Drinking is forbidden for initiates" Eric drags me out of the club, he's pulling hard; this is going to bruise. Jerk!

"Eric, let go of me." I pull back from him. Ignoring my words, he tightens his grip and continues dragging me through the halls. "Eric! Stop!" I dig my heels in the ground. Turning, Eric grabs my shoulder and shoves me against the nearest wall.

"You played me d*mnit. You really did."

"What are you on about?"

"Cut the act Maeve. I saw you with Four the other day. You're sleeping with him, aren't you?"

"What the h*ll Eric! How dare you? How. Dare. You! It is none of your business who I hang out with, we aren't dating."

"You're right, we aren't dating. Which means you're free to wh*re around with whoever you wa—" he didn't get to finish that sentence, because my forehead met his nose.

Spinning on my heels, I calmly speed walk away and go to bed.


Waking from a deep slumber, I couldn't tell if last night was a dream. After walking into the sim testing room and seeing Eric with a nice puffy nose confirmed that last night wasn't a dream.

Avoiding eye-contact, I sat myself down on the testing chair.

"Let's do this sh*t."

"H*ll yeah" Four responds.


I'm standing in the dormitories, alone and covered in...mud? Shower? I guess? I'm the only one in here so might as well.

Walking into the bathroom, I strip down and turn the shower on. Lathering myself in soap, and scrubbing the mud away. Soaping up my hair, I close my eyes and enjoy the sensational head massage that I give myself; I deserve this!

My momentary bliss comes to an end when a hand makes its way around my mouth, and the other across my bare chest.

Twisting and writhing around, trying to get away, the hand on my mouth goes to my throat and squeezes down on my windpipe.

As the air begins to escape my lunges, my attacker breaths in my ear.

"Feisty, aren't we prinscesa?" his disgusting voice echoes inside my head.

He begins dragging me out of the shower. Not giving up, I bend my legs and bring them up to my chest. Thrusting them down with all my strength, sending the attacker toppling over me with a loud groan.

Making a run for it, I almost escape the dormitories until I'm tackled to the ground.

He flipped me over and straddled my legs, using one hand to grab my wrists, and starts undoing his belt with his free hand.

No, no, no! This can't be happening, fight back Maeve! I can't though, I can feel my weakness.

I can't, I can't, I can't...


Where am I? What the h*ll is going on? I don't know where I am. My vision is blurry and the room is spinning.

A loud ringing is blaring through my ears; it's me, my voice, I'm screaming.

Two figures loom over me, shaking me. I recognize one of them, he was in one of my nightmares.

Pulling my arm from his grasp, shrieking at the man. I writhe around trying to free myself.

They repeat my name over and over. When the tall one turns slightly to grab a tranq needle, I use this opportunity the kick the 'nightmare; in his hip, wrench one of my arms free and start punching my way out.

Somehow able to slip around them with my tiny frame, I run out the door as fast as my feet can carry me. The next room was full of scared people like me.

The 'nightmare' was yelling my name and coming after me. I must be faster than him, can't let him get to me. Bad things will happen if he gets me.

Running through the halls, I try to lose him. Making it across The Chasm, I look behind me to see if I lost him. My body collides with another body.

Hitting the person with such force causes me to stumble backwards. The person who I ran into reached a hand out to stabilize me, but water that dripped from the condensation on the ceiling caused me to slip.

I'm falling, my head connects with a hard metal object, but then...I keep falling...

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