Chapter 11

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Week five is almost already over. D*mn, time flies when Eric is blatantly avoiding you. We are now on the last days of fighting. Tomorrow is our last day of stage one in training; finding out who stays and who goes.

Eric calls Peter and Tris to the ring. Peter is quickly in the ring ready to take her down.

"you okay there, Stiff?" he taunts her "You look like you're about to cry. I might go easy on you if you cry." Tris tried to kick him, but Peter grabbed her foot, yanking it, making her lose her balance.

"Stop playing with her," snaps Eric. "I don't have all day."

Not playing around anymore, Peter takes a jab at her face, and kicks her in the stomach. Repeating his moves, Tris is in too much pain to see the repetitiveness though. With a final blow, she is out.

After Tris is taken to the infirmary, Eric calls my name and one of the transfers, Andre.

Once my foot steps into the ring, he hits me with is right hook.

Regain your balance Maeve. Don't go on the ground. Ground means he can kick your head, that bad.

Putting my fists up, I'm able to block his next throw. Kicking his shin to stumble him, putting distance between each other.

Andre lunges for me, sidestepping out of the way. I didn't react quick enough. Pounding the right side of my face.

The surprise blow knocked the air out of my lungs. A metallic taste comes into my mouth. Bringing my hand to my face and pulling away at the sting, I see blood on my hands.

I've had enough!

Swiftly kicking him in his side, he lowers his hands.

Big mistake Andre.

Jumping up as high as I could, I kick my foot forward. Connecting my heel with his chin.

Red, that's all I can red.

A roar rips through my throat as I dive for his mid-section, sending him into the ground. Pulling him up, another roar grumbles out, kneeing him in the gut repeatedly.

I am sick of everyone not taking me seriously. I am sick of worrying if I'm disappointing everyone.

Driving him into the nearest pillar, I pummel him with my free hand.

I am sick of people thinking that I'm not worthy.

I am worthy.

I am Dauntless!

Stopping with a final blow to his face, his unconscious body limp, and falls to the ground.

No longer seeing red. I turn to look at everyone who was watching. A feeling erupted in my stomach. What is this feeling?

That feeling was apparently this morning's breakfast; which is now on the floor.

Clutching my stomach, I wipe my mouth off with my free hand.

Then I begin to fall. I felt like I was falling in slow-motion. I could feel gravity pulling me towards the ground. I felt the air, slowly leaving my lungs. Blinking slowly, I slip out of consciousness.


Slowly opening my eyes, I begin looking around at my surroundings. I remember falling, then brief, blurry images of what looked like Eric.

Eric, saying my name, not the nickname that he usually calls me, but my actual name.

Eric, picking my limp body off the ground.

Eric, quickly making his way through the hallways.

Eric, talking to a nurse, looking...worried?

A nurse? The infirmary! Eric brought me to the infirmary after I fainted.

I look over next to me and see Tris, unconscious and on a bed.

"Oh, good. You're alive." Eric was standing in the doorway, making his way to me, arms folded in front of him.

"How long have I been out?"

"About a day."

"I'm not being kicked out, am I?" he cocks his head puzzled.

"Why would you be kicked out? You won your match. We have something planned for your last day of stage 1 if you're feeling up for it."

"Andre?" I quietly ask, gulping.

"He's in Erudite. They have better doctors there. He's alive, but seriously injured."

'At least he's alive' I thought to myself. Thankful that I didn't murder someone.

Climbing off the bed, we awkwardly walked silently together to the dormitories.

"I was very impressed with your fight the other day." Slowly, I nodded in response.

"The janitors weren't impressed though." Peering up at his face, he was smiling in amusement.

Stopping in my tracks, I gasp "oh my god. I totally forgot that happened! That's so embarrassing!" I rub my temples, grumbling under my breath and the embarrassing moment; we continued walking.

"Please, no one is going to remember you throwing up. What they are going to remember is you literally tackling the guy, and beating the sh*t out of him!" Eric laughed, stopping when we get close to the dormitories.

"There's a vest for you in there. Suit up, wait with the others until we are ready to go." He began walking away leaving me dazed and confused.

"Go where?" looking back at me, he smirked, saying nothing. Turning around and walking off again.

Leaving me wondering, what does he have planned?

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