Chapter 4

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Uriah turns to me "we're jumping, so, just go when I go okay?" Jumping off a moving train shouldn't be too difficult, right? Grabbing me by the arm he pulls me back.

"Ready?" he asks rhetorically, "Let's Go!" he yells pulling me with. I push off with my right foot off the train, leaping over the huge gap from the train to the roof top. Uriah let go of my arm to stabilize his landing. My feet hit the roof-top, stumbling over on my side. I lay for a minute trying to catch my breath. Uriah panting as well, extends his arm to help pull me up; I accept the offer thanking him. I brush the dirt off me when I hear a loud voice.

"Alright listen up" the voice says while everyone makes their way crowding around him, I follow as well. "I'm Eric, I'm one of your leaders." He was standing on an edge. "You wanna enter Dauntless this is the way in. You don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in dauntless." He had two tattoos running up his neck, two eyebrow piercings on the right and large black earrings. The sides of his head were shaved and the top was gelled back.

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" an Erudite transfer asked. Scowling at the transfer, Eric cocked his head and replied with a smirk "Guess you'll find out...or not". A Candor transfer turned to an Abnegation transfer.

"We just jumped, they want us to jump again?" whispering to her.

"Well someone's gotta go first, who's it going to be?" Eric looked around at everyone. We looked at each other to see who was going to jump first. No one said anything until the Abnegation girl spoke.

"Me" she pushed her way through the crowd to the edge where Eric just stepped off, moving to the side. She peered over the edge and took her coat off.

"Yeah stiff take it off!" a Candor boy said getting people to laugh, "Put it back on" he trailed off. She stood on the ledge facing away from us.

"Today initiate" Eric was impatient and getting annoyed, she stepped off falling into the opening. Turning back to us, he asked who was next. One of the Dauntless-born decided to go, he screamed on his way down.

"Next?" back to no one wanting to volunteer.

"Maeve should go next" I perked up wide-eyed when I hear Uriah's voice. No! Why? Why me next? What could be down there?

"Which one of you is Maeve?" He curiously questioned. I slowly raise my hand until he sees me. He almost looks shocked to see me. It's not often that you see an Amity transferring to Dauntless.

I slowly make my way forward. I can't do this. I can't do this. There is no way I'm doing this. I stand on the ledge looking down. Crap, crap, crap! I turn to look at Eric, making a hand motion asking him to come closer to me. Taking a few strides forward he has a puzzled look.

"Can you pinky promise that this won't hurt?" everyone laughs except Eric and I. Eric looks pissed with me.

"I'm not f*ing pinky promising you. What I can do though is push you off this ledge."

"I will jump willingly but I just need you to pinky promise!" I thrust my pinky finger out in front of me. Rolling his eyes and swearing under his breath, he crosses his pinky finger with mine. I slowly breath out. Letting go of his pinky, I let myself fall backwards down into the mouth of Dauntless. The fall was quick and I was caught by a huge net. Once the net stopped bouncing me, I let out a laugh. Someone pulled the net and helped me off it.

"What's your name?" the man who helped me down asked; he had amazing dark brown eyes.


"Third jumper, Maeve!" he yelled to those around, people cheering in response. "Welcome to Dauntless" he smiled. As I waited for the rest of the initiates, I was introduced to the first jumper, her name is Tris. When others started arriving I learnt some of their names.

"Dauntless-born go with Lauren. Transfers stay with me...go" when who I presumed was Lauren took the Dauntless-born the brown-eyed man started talking again. "Most of the time I work in intelligence, but during your training I will be your instructor. My name's Four." Four"

"Four like the number?" the Candor girl, whose name I learned was Christina asked.

"Exactly like the number" he informed.

Chucking, Christina asked "What happened, one through three were taken?" earning some giggles. Laughing to himself he asked her name. Nodding his head, he slowly approached her

"Well, Christina, the first lesson you learn from me...if you wanna survive here, is you keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" she quickly answered a 'yes'.

"Good." Walking away he instructed us to follow.

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