Chapter 2

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The first thing I notice is Alexandra is gone. I'm alone in the room. I slide off the chair confused by the room being empty besides the chair I was just one. I look at the big mirror in front of me. My hair was falling out of its braid already, they never stay in, my hair has a mind of its own. I look to my left and see mirrors on that wall, my other side as well. I'm surrounded by an infinite number of mirrored 'ME's', when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Spinning around I see a clone of me.

"Choose" clone me spoke. Theirs eyes shifted to something next to me. There were two stands, one had a slab of meat on it and the other had a knife. I knew this couldn't be good. "Before it's too late." Out of fear I grab the meat because its closest to me. Turning back around my clone was gone. There is growling besides me and I whip around to see a German Shepherd bearing his teeth and snapping his chops. Saliva sloshing everywhere.

He begins running towards me but I quickly throw him the slab of meat. Shutting my eyes and tightening my body, bracing myself for the attacking dog, but all there is, is soft whimpering. The beast was now a puppy happily gnawing on the meat.

"Puppy!" I hear a voice say. It was a young abnegation girl, she wants to pet the puppy. Turning back to the puppy, the meat slab is gone and the snarly beast is back. Charging at the girl, she runs away in fear. Instantly I run after them, leaping onto the dog, just able to get his hind legs, pulling him down.

Standing up, I see I'm on a bus. Sitting near me is a man with a newspaper.

"Excuse me, do you know this guy?" he asks referring to the front of the newspaper. 'Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended'.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't know him."

"Lier!" the man abruptly stands up from his seat, throwing the paper on the ground.

"I'm not lying sir!" the man lunges at me, but thankfully I was quick enough to block myself from his attack. I felt like something was controlling my hand, because I subconsciously punch him in the face. The bus comes screeching to a halt. I fly forward, hitting my head on a pole, everything going black.

Gasping for air I realize I'm out of the testing simulator. Placing my hand over my heart trying to calm my heart rate. Glancing at Alexandra, her body language seems different, tense.

"Congrats! You got Abnegation." She smiles. No that's wrong!

"You're lying. Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm Candor, I can't lie."

"You can too." She is getting annoyed with me.

"Look kid, all I do here is power up the test, let it do its thing, make sure nothing goes wrong and then tell you your results, and log them down in the database. The test says you got Abnegation. You can choose whatever though. They advise against it, but it's still your choice." She opens the door ushering me out.

Later that evening, I was eating with my parents and Takoda. Normally we all eat in the mess hall together but because it's the last time some families will be eating all together they have us eat in our homes. Today gave me no answers to my questions, only more of them.

" were you guys born Amity?"

"Your mother is Amity-born, I transferred."

"what faction were you born in?"

"I was born in Dauntless, but left because I didn't like what they do there." I nodded my head slowly.

"Were your parents upset with you when you left?" the table was quiet, no silverware scrapping the plates, no chewing, not even Takoda was making a noise.

"They were yes, but you have nothing to worry about. We will love you no matter what you choose. We promise to even visit you on Visiting Day if you choose to leave." He smiles reassuring me.

"Do you want to talk about your test results?" my mother asked. Shaking my head, no, I get up bringing my plate to the kitchen. I wasn't hungry anymore. I round the hall corner heading to my room when I stop myself to listen to what my parents were saying.

"Oh Clyde, I worry about her too much."

"Relax Marta, everything will be okay!"

"I know, it just makes me a little upset. Maybe I should speak to Johanna about this."

"Wait until after the Choosing Ceremony, she may not even transfer." This just makes my decision even harder!

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