Chapter 9

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We had fighting today for training. Making my way to one of the punching dummies, I threw my hair up into a ponytail. It felt weird since half of my hair is gone. I have received a good number of compliments on my hair and a few on my tattoos.

After a couple minutes of punching the bags, I felt a presence behind me. I knew it was Eric. He grabbed my wrist before it contacted the bag; he examined it. I had gotten rid of the makeshift bracelet and replaced it with the Amity tattoo; he examined the other wrist too.

"What's with the semi colon?"

"In books, authors use it to keep a sentence going. They could have ended the sentence there but the kept it going. So, it just reminds me of what you did yesterday."

"What do you mean by 'what I did' yesterday?"

"You gave me an Ultimatum; I could either die or live."

"You could have become factionless."

"That wasn't an option for me. So, I had to choose; continue my story or just end it there."

"and here you are" Eric graveled, nodding my head in response. I'm glad that he understood. "I like the hair, although it's almost close to mine."

"Oh, I'm sorry; didn't realize you had a monopoly on that hairstyle along with anything else closely relative to it." He folded his arms and looked at the ground, a small smile escaping through. I'd never tell anyone though. Its mine and his secret; I made the big bad Eric smile.

"Try to be on time from now on, or else I will punish you. Got it?" nodding, he walked toward the ring where Christina and Molly were fighting. Might as well go watch.

Christina kicks Molly in the side, making Molly gasp. Molly reacts quickly and throws Christina to the ground, slapping her. Pinning her to the ground, she is too heavy for Christina to shove off. Dragging one of her arms out, she punches Molly in the ear. Molly's balance is knocked off and Christina wiggles free.

"Stop...stop" Christina coughs out, trying to crawl away from her opponent. Her face smeared with blood from her nose; lip busted as well.

"You need to stop?" Eric questioned. Christina panting, nods her head, wheezing while trying to catch her breath. "Okay" he paused "let me give you a hand." He extended his arm toward her. Christina graciously accepted his help of pulling her too her feet.

"Thanks" she spoke quietly.

"Alright lets everyone take a break!" Eric yelled. Something was off, I could feel it. Everyone followed him out of the training room. Christina walked behind him; I was two people behind her. Looking through the spaces between the people in front, I noticed Eric putting his arm on her back.

Thoughts filled my head as we neared the Chasm. Whatever happened to no conceding?

"You feeling a little better?" he asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she assured quietly.

With a swift move, Eric shoved her feet of the side. Grabbing he left hand with his right; hanging onto the rail with his left. Christina let out a loud shriek, people gasping at the event taking place. It wasn't that shocking to me, considering I have hung off the same place.

"Grab the rail." Eric instructed "Or don't." Obeying, she grunted as she grabbed the railing. "You've got three options. Hang there and ill forget your cowardice. Fall and die. Or give up...but if you give up you're out." Eric giving her the same options as he did me. At least Christina can hang onto the bar, I could only hang on by digging my nails into his arms.

Water dripped from the ceiling onto the rail, making it more difficult for her; Christina grunting in pain.

"Come on Chris" Tris urged her, getting a glare from Eric. His gaze shifted to mine briefly. Probably to read my emotions on the situation.

Smirking, I turned my wrist over and glanced at the semi colon tattoo; silently reminding him of the meaning and letting him know I was serious about staying.

Christina groaned some more, the metal creaking, she was struggling. Eric looked slightly bored now.

"Time" he shouted, moving out of the way so others could help pull her up. "Dauntless never give up." sneering. We were dismissed from training for the rest of the day. Everyone quickly fled from the Chasm. I was the last initiate there, just Eric and me. I was trying to hide a small laugh and I made my way past him.

"What's so funny pinky?" he stopped me.

"Oh, nothing, just I was thinking I was special. It just turns out that you just like to hang everyone off the Chasm. I think you were going soft on her though."

Eric scoffs, stepping closer to me. "you think I was going soft on her?" he pointed to himself.

Nodding, I explained "yeah, I mean, you let her grab onto the edge. Whereas, I could only hang onto your forearm." I pointed out his arm, which had claw marks on them. "So yeah, you were going soft of her."

"Maybe I like her?"

"It's a possibility, but I don't think that's it." I smirk walking away.

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