Chapter 16

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My mind hasn't strayed off for a second of what Four told me. 'Maeve. I think you're Divergent.' I've heard people talk about Divergent before.

Their mind isn't affected by the serums. They are, 'we', are a threat to society because of it. We don't conform to the system. People, people like me...get killed, no, murdered for this. This thing that we are in possession of, whether we want to be or not. We don't get a choice.

My mission of the day was to try and appear normal all day. By normal, I mean avoiding people at all cost; especially Eric.


Things are so weird with him. He frightens me, but at the same time, I like him. I like that he's scary but kind of sweet; in a weird 'Eric' way of being 'sweet'. Eric understands me, he seems to get me; but I know that he would kill me if he finds out. Without hesitation, he would willingly put a bullet through my brain if he knew of my Divergence.

That scares the sh*t out of me.


Later that night, Four came and got me. We made our way to the roof; the one I leapt onto the first day here. As the train passed, we sprung onto it.

Four began explaining to me that he has a few connections and could locate the girl who initiated my test; Alexandra. Not bothering to ask who his contacts were; not like he would tell me anyways.

Minutes passed by before Four told me to get ready to jump. Leaping from the train, my feet connect with the ground; stuck my landing!

Sneaking through the Candor compound, we found their living quarters. Pulling out and uncrumpling a note, Four walked around to find the door that coincided with his paper.

"This is it." Four quietly knocks on the door. Moments later, the door opens. Alexandrea stood in front of us with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth. Face contorting in a look of confusion, wondering why we were here.

"My name is Four, mind letting us in?"

"I do mind, but I'm curious so, come on in anyways." She steps aside ushering us in. Disappearing into the bathroom, I assume to finish brushing her teeth.

Her place is nice, very modern and clean. Taking a seat on her couch, Four decides to stay standing. Arms crossed in front of him, an intimidating look on his face.

"Why are you here?" Alexandra asks coming out of the bathroom.

"You initiated her aptitude testing correct?"

"Y-yes" she hesitated with her answer.

"And- "Four steps closer to her staring her down. "What was her result?"


"And?" she clenched her jaws, clearly scared of Four and his towering figure.

Sighing, she looked at the ground, "and Dauntless, and Erudite." So, I really am Divergent.

"Why, would you lie to me about my results?"

"Because, I was hoping you would choose Abnegation. I heard about Erudite and Dauntless' initiation testing for Divergence. So, to avoid that happening, I just told you about your Abnegation. Yet, you still chose Dauntless, what good did that do anyways?"

"Why would you help me? Why didn't you turn me in, have me executed?"

"Because of me." A new voice entered the room. We all turn to the unknown man at the door. Not going to lie, he was gorgeous.

"I'm Dean, Alexandra's fiancée." He walked towards us.

"What do you have to do with this?"

"I'm like Blondie: Divergent. Thankfully, no one ever found out; until I told her. I trusted her with this information and I still do. I'm trusting you with this information too." He points a finger to Four.

"We both are, obviously you aint got a problem with Divergence. Or else she would be dead already and you wouldn't be here." She made a good point.

Four and I stayed there for a couple of hours. The three of them gave me tips and advice on how to hide my Divergence and how to go through the rest of initiation.

Before we left Dean asked if we knew his brother.

"Depends, what's his name?"

"I believe he goes by 'Puppy'." This is Puppy's brother?!

"Yes, I know Puppy!"

"Really? How is he doing? Please tell me. I have avoided Dauntless like the plague, didn't want to risk it. Unfortunately, that means not being able to see my brother.

"Don't worry Dean, he's doing great. He is a tattoo artist. Very good at it too." I showed him my tattoos. Dean had a look of pride in his eyes.

"Yeah, Sammy was always a great artist. I'm happy for him."

"Yeah, his name was Sam before he changed it."

"His new name fits him though." Alexandra giggled, I nodded in agreement. Although I know his old name, Puppy did not tell me it himself and didn't give me permission to use it. It is not my place to call him by anything else. He chose Puppy, and that is the name I will use.

"Maeve?" Dean asks, "Take care of my brother for me please."

I smile softly, "Of course Dean."


On our way back to the Dauntless compound, I fought with myself over what I am going to do with Eric.

I should keep my distance yes, but I also can't just give him the cold shoulder for the rest of my life. Eric will be suspicious.

Four walks me back to the dormitories.

I thank him but quickly wrapping my arms around his torso in an embrace. Before he can react, I slip into the dormitories and head to bed.

Tonight, was weirdly a relief. I'm not worried about things that much now.

I, Maeve Madore, am Divergent.

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