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~6th September~

Your POV

-Trigger Warning-

I wake up sweating and breathing heavily. I whimper as I slap my hands on my neck. I sigh in relief when I find nothing there.

Some mornings, after I've awoken from my nightmare, I still feel the rough rope sqeezing tightly around my throat. This morning happens to be one of these mornings.


I take in my surroundings. I'm still on Dan and Phil's couch, a pillow under my head and a blanket draped over me. I must have fallen asleep after the livestream. Last I remember, I ended it and layed down on the couch for a little bit.

I swing my legs over the edge of the couch and place my feet on the cold floor. I rise, trying my hardest not to make a sound. When I pick up my phone and turn it on, I'm surprised to see it's only seven thirty and not at the brink of dawn for once. I rub my eyes, grab my belongings , and without making a sound, walk out the front door.

~Time skip~

"Have fun?"

I jump and quickly spin around. I sigh in relief when I see Tess standing outside the kitchen, a smirk plastered on her face.

"I slept on the couch. Nothing happened."

"I know. You're just fun to stir." I roll my eyes as she winks and returns to the kitchen, probably to make her coffee.

I walk to my room and jump on the bed, taking out my laptop. I go onto Skype and click on Jase.

"Yes, what do you want?" He groans when he finally answers. My smile fades as I take in the look of annoyance spread across his face.

"Sorry, I didn't think you were busy. I just wanted to talk to you."

"I'm sorry, Y/N/N, but maybe later."

"Jase, we've barely talked since I left. Can whatever you're busy with wait a moment? I miss you. I'm your fiancée, for goodness sake!"

"I really can't talk- I'll talk to you later."

My eyes well with tears as I nod. "Fine. Goodbye." I end the call and slam my laptop shut. As I lay back, my phone buzzes with a text.

Dan: no goodbye? wow, rude.

I giggle and wipe away an escaped tear.

Y/N: Sorry. Didn't want to interrupt that sexy dream you were having ;).

Dan: haha.

Dan: i want to go somewhere. come with me?

I hesitate before typing an answer.

Y/N: Yeah, why not. Meet me at our spot?

~Time skip~

I see the tall man walking along the path towards our special spot on the hill, where I stand now. I watch as he looks up, a grin taking over his face as he spots me and waves. I wave back.

"Why, hello there!" he greets cheerfully as he comes to a halt in front of me.

"'Ello 'ello, how are you this fine afternoon?"

"I'm fine. Yourself?"

I giggle a little. "It's complicated." Dan furrows his brows. "I'll explain later. Shall we go on our adventure?"

"We shall," he answers, linking arms with me.

~Time skip~

We take a seat by the River Thames, shopping bags and drinks in hands. For a moment, it's quiet and only the sound of distant traffic and birds can be heard. The river is coloured pink and orange from the setting sun. It's beautiful.

The cool breeze picks up, freezing my arms underneath my thin sleeves. I shuffle closer to Dan, cringing at how cheesy this it. He wraps his arm around my shoulders as I rest my head against his chest.

"Y/N?" He says in almost a whisper, breaking the silence.


"Earlier I asked how you were." I begin to tense up. "What did you mean about it being complicated? Is everything okay?"

I sigh. "I hope so," I begin. "I just haven't really properly talked to Jase since I left. He's always busy or distracted with something and he won't tell me what. It feels as if he doesn't want to talk to me. Even before I left, I didn't get a proper goodbye because he got a phone call and ran off. He just- I don't know. He seems as if he doesn't want me anymore."

"What? That's ridiculous! How can anyone not want you? You're amazing!" Dan protests.

"Glad to know someone thinks so."

"I'm sure he thinks so. Maybe he just- I honestly don't know. But if he does anything to hurt you, tell him to be scared."

I laugh. "What are you gonna do?"

"I have no idea," he chuckles. "But hopefully it'll be intimidating."

"Just hope he doesn't use 'Hello, Internet' against you."

"That would be horrible."

We sit in silence, together, watching as little bugs create ripples in the water.

It's then I realise how much I missed this. Living in London, spending time with Phil and Tess, being with Dan...

But I know I can't go back to this. I have a life, a good one too. And even if Jase is being a dick at the moment, I'm not going to leave him for something I left behind long ago.

Maybe what I had here in London, with my friends, with Dan, should just stay as a happy memory. For all of us.

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