Bonus Chapter - The Wedding: Part Two

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Your POV

"I thought I would have to wait until I was old to do this," Alex says as he fiddles with his tie. I slap his hands away and fix it up for him.

"I can't believe it either. But, now that dad is gone, I couldn't have dreamed of choosing anyone else to walk me down the aisle."

Alex's e/c eyes, completely identical to mine, turn glassy and he wraps his thin arms around my waist.

"This is the happiest day of my life."

I chuckle and gently stroke his hair. "Just wait until your own wedding day."

I feel him shake his head against my chest. "Nothing could be better to me than seeing my sister finally happy."

The sincerity in his sweet voice and even sweeter smile brought tears to my eyes. I wrapped him into a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek. He screws up his face and rubs at the rosy lipstick print on his red cheeks after I step back.

"That's the last time I'm ever being nice to you."

I wink at him. "You know you love me."

The soft keys of the piano drown out the sound of the waves crashing against the sand outside the fairly large tent, signalling us to walk down the aisle. I take a deep breath and link arms with my little brother.

As the first note of the first chorus to The End of All Things hits, I take my first step onto the warm sand, immediately blinded by the shining sun. But as my eyes adjust, I see the beloved guests with soft smiles plastered to their faces. I see my bridesmaids lining up opposite to the groomsmen.

And then I see him. The love of my life.

And he sees me.

Dan's POV

"Is my tie straight?" I nervously pester Phil.

"Yes, it's straight, Dan."

"Okay, what about the surprise?"

"The surprise is definitely not straight." Phil's lips turn up in a cheeky grin and he struggles to stifle a laugh. I softly slap his arm.

"I mean is the surprise ready?"

"Yes, Dan!" Phil groans as he slaps his hands on my shoulders. "Everything is perfect."

I sigh with relief. Relax, Dan. She loves you. She doesn't care if it's the perfect wedding. Remember her words? As long as she has her groom, nothing could be better. But did I forget-

The first note of the piano rings out and the chatter falls silent. I wait impatiently as the flower girls and the bridesmaids forward out.

And then, I see her. And everything stops. The waves, the birds flying above, the music - everything. Except for her.

And suddenly, it feels like the first time I saw her. Our first date. Our first dance. Our first kiss. The first few days of our relationship. The day I proposed and she said yes.

All of those memories blended together.

My heart pounds against my chest, I clench my jaw tight to stop it from dropping and nothing in the world could take my eyes away from her.

Her eyes sparkled and her warm smile made my heart flutter. She was glowing. She was beautiful.

Alex gave her one more tight hug before taking a seat next to his mother. I reach out my hand and Y/N places her's in mine. I gently guide her in front of me.

Before the ceremony starts, I whisper, "I love you."

~Time skip~

"Dan, repeat after me. I, Daniel James Howell—"

I grab both of Y/N's hands and stare deeply into her beautiful eyes.

"I, Daniel James Howell—"

"—take you, Y/F/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife—"

"—take you, Y/F/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife—"

"—to have and to hold—"

"—to have and to hold—"

"—in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, from this moment I vow to you, til death do us part."

Her eyes begin to glisten.

"—in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, from this moment I vow to you, til death do us part."

Your POV

"Now, Y/N." My heart races with excitement and I squeeze Dan's hands. "Repeat after me. I, Y/F/N—"

"I, Y/F/N—"

"—take you, Daniel James Howell, to be my lawfully wedded husband—"

"—take you, Daniel James Howell, to be my lawfully wedded husband—"

"—to have and to hold—"

"—to have and to hold—"

"—in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, from this moment I vow to you, til death do us part."

"—in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, from this moment I vow to you, til death do us part."

A tear rolls down my cheek and the smile on my face is uncontrollably.

Dan's POV

"Dan, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to honor her in love, to be sensitive to her needs, to comfort her in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in her, as long as you both shall live?"

Here it is, Dan. The most important words of your life. You're beyond ready.

"I do."

Your POV

"And Y/N, do you take Dan to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to honor him in love, to be sensitive to his needs, to comfort him in difficulty, and to put your full and complete trust in him, as long as you both shall live?"

I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

"I do."

Dan's POV

"Place the ring on her left finger and repeat after me. Y/N, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment."

I slide the gold band on her finger above the shining diamond engagement ring.

"Y/N, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment."

Your POV

"Place the ring on his left finger and repeat after me. Dan, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment."

The gold ring fits perfectly on his finger.

"Dan, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment."

The butterflies in my stomach go crazy, more than ready for what's next.

"By the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Without even a millisecond of thought, Dan wraps his arms around my waist and dips me into a long, passionate kiss. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him closer as the crowd cheers.

When the most amazing kiss I've ever had is over and he pulls me back up, I look out into the crowd and scan the faces. I see my family. I see old friends. I see new friends. I see YouTube friends. I see John and his family. I see Mark and Amy.

And then my eyes land on an unfamiliar yet familiar face at the back of the room, leaning against the piano.

I tug on my new husband's sleeve and look at him at shock. He grins mischievously. "Wait... did you?... How?..." He chuckles and I look back at the new face. "Is that-"

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