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~10th October, 2018~

Your POV


"I know it's so soon but... I want you to be the maid of honor. Almost everything's planned, we just need to get you a dress and stuff but it would be great if you could?"

I'm at a loss for words. "Oh, Tess, yes! Of course! I'd love that!"

"That's great!" My best friend beams. Her smile turns down. "Are you going to be okay with Dan being there? I heard about yesterday and I don't want things to be awkward."

I smile reassuringly. "It will be fine, Tess."


"You look absolutely beautiful!" I gasp at my best friend.

"Oh, stop it." She blushes. "But look at you, girl! Damn, I'm supposed to be the best looking today, not you! I might marry you instead."

The two of us burst into laughter. "I don't think Phil would be too happy about that, but thanks for the compliment. Now let's go get you hitched!"

~Time skip~

"You may now kiss the bride."

Phil grabs Tess by the waist and dips her for a kiss. The venue erupts in applause and cheers. I smile at my two friends, the two of them looking happier than ever. But the longer I look, the more empty I feel. And I know why. I look across from me at the best man, who's also smiling warmly at our two friends. As I stare at him in awe, I can't help but want the same happiness with him. His eyes catch mine and I see a sparkle of hope. A tear rolls down my cheek.

~Time skip~

I stand in the open field, the cool autumn breeze blowing my dress and hair. I take a deep breath and feel a giggle rising, a giggle that only freedom can do to you. And that's what I feel right now. Freedom. I'm not stuck in a loud, smelly city, my baby is being looked after by Joe and his new girlfriend and I'm no longer in a toxic relationship. I don't know what it is about the quiet field that brings this feeling of freedom, but I love it.

A tap on my shoulder disrupts my thoughts. I turn around to see Dan smiling softly.

"Oh, hey," I say, surprised.

"Hi. How are you?"

"Right now, amazing. Finally taking a break from being a mum. How are you?"

"Great. Taking a break from being an introvert."

I chuckle. "Well, it's part of your best man duty I guess. Do you know when the photographer will be here? It's getting cold."

"Oh, you can take me jacket." Dan begins to slip off his jacket, but as if on queue, the photographer pulls over and exits his car. Dan slides his jacket back on. "I'll hold that offer. Shall we?" He sticks his arm out and I link mine with his.

After our photos are finished, Dan comes straight over, jacket in hands. "Here you go," he grins as he helps put the jacket on. I smile back and stick my hands in the pockets, feeling instantly warm.

"Thank you," I say as I catch a whiff of his cologne.

"Sorry, but you two are just screaming photo op. Can I please get some photos?" We turn around to see the photographer smiling excitedly. "I'm a big fan of you guys."

"Of course," Dan agrees. He rests his hands on my upper arms and shuffles closer, not wanting to get too close for comfort. As the photographer snaps away, I turn to Dan and smile. He looks down and does the same.

"Perfect!" The photography glees. "It was nice to meet you guys!"

Dan removes his hands and takes a step back, making me frown at the absence of his warmth.

~Time skip~

"Congratulations Phil, my best friend. I love you and I couldn't be happier. And thank you Tess for being perfect for this weirdo." The room erupts with applause as Phil pulls Dan in for a hug. Dan pats his back and the two sit back down.

My whole body begins to tremor. It's my turn.

"Hello. Thank you all for coming tonight. When I think back to the first time I had seen Tess and Phil, I realise the two couldn't be more perfect for each other. I met Tess in Yorkshire when we were seventeen. She had just moved from Australia and we were at a party. When I met her she was off her face and I had to let her know she had toilet paper stuck to her knee after she had thrown up." I pause as the crowd laughs at Tess' red face. "And on my first night in London, that's when I first saw Phil. It was a very eventful night, but my clearest memory of the night-" lie, "-was when Philip Michael Lester walked all the way across a very fancy restaurant to the bathroom with a napkin slowly slipping down his leg." I pause again for more laughter. "In front of everyone!

That just goes to show that these two idiots are perfect for each other and I couldn't be happier for them. My life would be miserable without my two best friends. I'm so glad I met both of you. I will always be thankful for your support when I had to move away and your support now with James-" I begin to tear up, and suddenly I know it's time. I look down. But not at the married couple. At the best man. "-who without you guys, might not have been born. I don't want to steal your night away," Tess grabs on to my hand. I look into her eyes and she nods. I shift my eyes back to Dan's, who is beginning to look confused. I continue. "But if you hadn't been kind enough to let me stay with you and help me reconnect with the most amazing guy in the world, the best thing in my life wouldn't have happened."

I watch as Dan's eyes sink with realisation. As my tears spill uncontrollably, his run slowly down his cheeks.

"So before I finish my speech, I want to say I love you, Dan. Even after everything that has happened, I love you and I never stopped. And I couldn't be happier for you to be the father of our son.

Congratulations, Phil and Tess. I love you guys so much and I hope you have the best life together. Thank you."

All the guests clap and cheer. As I begin to sit down, a pair of arms wrap around my waist and spin me around. Before I have time to react, a pair of soft lips connect with mine. My stomach swarms with butterflies as I wrap my arms around his neck. The cheers and music in the background muffle and it feels like we're the only two people in the room. After what feels like a life time, we pull back for air and he rests his forehead against mine. I look into his chocolate brown eyes, warm with passion, and it feels like our first kiss all over again.

"I love you too."


It feels as if we had been a family all along. Wrapped in Dan's arms with James snuggled between us, swaying slowly to the calm music. It was moments like these I had dreamed of even before I found out I was pregnant. When I was first with Dan, this is what I imagined some day. And now that day is here.

"Okay, ladies!" Tess beams on the mic. "It's time for you to let out the beasts within, because it's time for the bouquet!"

All around the room women of all ages squeal and rush to the middle of the room. I roll my eyes at Dan as he nudges me forward, taking our son from my arms. I stand in the back of the crowd, much too scared to be in the middle of the battlefield.

"Are you ready? One... two... three!"

The squealing gets louder as the women all push and shove, hoping to be the one to catch the bunch of flowers. It's a shock when something both spikey and soft hits me in the face. By instinct, I shut my eyes and grab it and Tess cheers excitedly.

"Well done, Y/N!"

I open my eyes and look at the object in my hands. It's a bouquet of many different coloured roses (which is exactly what describes Tess' personality, might I say). I get a mix of 'congratulations' and dirty looks from other women as I smile and make my way over to Dan. He chuckles.

"I see we're getting married, then?"

"Slow down, Howell." I softly punch him. But yes please!

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