Chapter 5

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Lane's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound if my alarm clock. Sometimes I wonder why I have it when I wake up seconds before it goes off.

I rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower. When I got out I wrapped my white towel around my waist; and headed to my closet to get dressed.

I felt like I should dress good today. Call me crazy but my wolf really dose know something that he doesn't wish to share. And after every thing we have been through together. You'd think he'd feel obligated to tell me.

After I got dressed I ran down stairs. I went into the kitchen and ate then I left.


At school:


I hate school like any other teenager don't get me wrong. But today we have the new students from the Starling Night pack coming here. This should be fun.

Just as I thought that I smelt the most mouth watering aroma. It smelt like strawberries, cinnamon, chocolate, and roses.

My wolf was erratic. I don't get it that smell. It's the fist time I've ever smelt it before.

With that in mind I hopped out of my car. When I did that the aroma got stronger.

I have to find out who that belongs too before I go crazy.

So I did what any one in my case would do I followed it.

Then I saw her. A beautiful girl about my age. I'm not gonna lie she was hot. It doesn't seem as if she's noticed me yet.

She had long black hair with deep red highlights. Her hair went down to her waist and it was in soft waves.

Her eyes I could have gotten lost in. They were a deep seat green with specks of violet. They were by far the most enchanting eyes I've ever seen.

Then there is her face it's beautiful. She has a few light freckles across her bottom nose. She has full lips that I want to kiss cause they seem so soft.

At that moment she looked over at me with a deathly glare as if challenging me to say or do anything.

But all I did was smirk. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. That beautiful girl is my mate. She's mine.

"MINE!" I growled. That caused every one to look at us as if the just noticed that we wear staring.

"I don't know if you've noticed but I'm sure as hell not yours." She stated calmly.

"Yeah you are."

At that she smirked at me.

"Okay then. If I'm yours as you've so bluntly put it what in all things sweet and heavenly on earth is my name?"

I was taken aback. And she saw it to cause she kept on going.

"Cause buddy boy. I bet I could get your name before you got mine."

"Okay then. What's my name missy"

"That's easy. By your looks and the was you hold your self you the next inline alpha. Which only means one thing my dear. Your Lane Henrys."

I was shocked how did she guess that when I couldn't even guess who the hell she was.

But I will find out.

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