Chapter 6

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Jordan P.O.V.

I had just got to Omega High. My fist day and all the boys were staring and whistling at me.

I couldn't help it I smirked at that. Boys are so predictable. You through them a bone and they go crazy.

All of a sadden I smelt the most alluring smell I've ever smelt.

It was the smell of freshly cut grass and the woods with a hint of freshly fallen rain. It was a yummy smell.

I choose to ignore it and just keep talkin to my friends.

Then I heard one of the loudest growl I have ever heard. But there was a word that was said that made me freeze.


I turned around to see a very attractive boy about my age. He was gorgeous.

But me being me and not liking people getting all possessive I spoke my mind.

"I don't know if you've noticed but I sure as hell ain't yours."

"Yeah you are."

I can't believe him. He didn't even know my name.

"Okay then. If I'm really yours as you so bluntly put it then what in everything sweet and heavenly in this word is my name?"

I could tell he was shocked with my response so I choose to keep going.

"Cause buddy boy. I bet I could get you name before you got mine."

"Okay then. What's my name then missy"

"Well that's easy. By your looks you clearly the next in line alpha which could only mean one thing. Your Lane Henrys."

I could tell he was surprised I knew him. But any one with a brain could tell that he was an alpha.

"How did you guess that?"

" Sweetie trust me on this any one could guess that." I say with a smirk.

"Who are you?"

"Oh me. I'm Jordan." I said in a duh tone.

"Jordan Steel?"

"No Jordan Himingsworth. Yes Jordan Steel."

"Oh fuck me. Really your my mate. But your from the other pack."

"I guess you pissed the moon goddess off. Bit hey I'm not no happier than you. It sucks that I'm gonna have to reject you."


"Okay sunshine. Chill you pill." I said "and don't tell me I'm yours cause I'm not. Deal with it."

"I, Jordan Steel reject" I was cut off my Lanes beta Nico.

"You can't do that to him. You have no right."

"Look it's either he rejects me or I reject him."

No Jay-jay spoke up.

"Jordan don't listen to them reject his ass so he won't hurt you."

With that comment Lane growled.

"She's not rejecting me and vice versa."

"ENOUGH!" I yelled.

At that time the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.

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