Chapter 9

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Jordan's P.O.V.

When you walk into the school you can instantly smell all the sluts. Some who are having sex where you can't see but hear and disgustingly smell. Then you have the ones who just did the deed and is most likely thinking about who to do next.

It's sad when their that dang predicable.

I wonder some times why teenagers have to sleep with multiple people.

I know one thing is for sure though. I HATE pack sluts. They are by far the worst. They don't even try to hide the fact. They also have no shame or morels. It's that bad an GROSS. I may be a alpha female and have the urge but I fight it off. So why can't the others. I guess we are as strong as our ranks. That and the pure willpower to stay true to who we are.

I try to be straight forward with people. If I don't like you then I don't like you. You can try to be my friend for the high rankings but trust me I'm nothing if not far. You could give me fifty thousand dollars I still wouldn't give you what you clearly don't deserve.

I guess that's why girls don't like to be my friends. I'm to awesome for them. Nah. I'm just kidding. I'm too honest for them and they know it. Because if you like Tyra (my pack slut) then you most defiantly do not like honesty.

"Hey Jor." Tyra greeted me. I have to admit she still try's.

"Hey Ty." So she has a nickname screw your self.

"So I was wondering do you want to go shopping with me this weekend?"

"Sorry but no."

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't like you and I hate shopping."

Told you I try to be honest. And yes it's true I hate shopping unless it's at Wal-Mart. BEST store EVER!

"But I thought we were friends Jor."

"Tyra, I tell you every day you try this I don't like you and that I hate shopping and I'm allergic to fake ass people!"

In my own personal way I really am "allergic" to fake people. It's called the make me crazy. You know loco for dat coco.

"FINE I DONT CARE JORDAN!" she scream and stomped away.

"Damn drama queen. Made my day even worst." I said under my breath. Then I got an idea. I could see her at some boys locker not five feet away. "Oh my god Tyra! You need some JESUS in ya life!" I scream/sang to her.

The whole hallway erupted into laughter. I could tell some we're trying but failing to not laugh at what I just said. And with that she stormed off to her class causing me to die of laughter.

Her face was so fudging priceless.

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