Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Quinn's P.O.V.

I don't get why Jordan loves Lane already. I get that their mates and all. But the guys a complete ass sometimes. He doesn't deserve my sweet innocent cousin. Okay so she may not be near as innocent as I'm saying she is. She has done a few questionable things in the past, and I don't let her forget it either. It's kinda funny watching her squirm when I mention something she hasn't told her parents about. But my point is she's my cousin and I love her like she's my sister. So I guess you could say I have the bug brother protective instinct over her. Which I do by the way.

When I found out who her mate was I was mad. So many people had told me that he was a man whore, and I believed them. That was up till I met him face to face. He's a player maybe but not the type that sleeps around. But the type that dates a girl for a short period of time then dump them for a new girl. I'm not saying that that's okay because it's not. It's just a whole lot better the other type. But now I'm not so sure I want my cousin anywhere near him. The sad thing is, is that I know I want be able to stop them from seeing each other it they want to. They are mates after all.

The only people that I believe would ever get them to stay away from each other would be their parents. But even that could fail at any given time. They could always run off together, get married at a young age. I don't think that they would but I'm not about to be the one to put it beneath them either. At this point they could do anything. Because if there's one thing I do know, it's that teenagers tend to do rash thing sometimes. When are parents tell us not to do something we do it anyways. Just to prove a point that we can do it. It's just not something that we should do.

I remember once my mom told my older brother not to go to this party. Well he that that it was a suggestion. So he went to some dudes party. He did the one thing every teenager does at a party, and it wasn't hooking up with a girl. He got drunk as a skunk. So as it got later he go a little drunker. By the time it was two thirty in the morning we got a phone call. My brother and some of his friends who went to the party were driving down the intersection.

His friend Mike was behind the wheel of the old pick up truck. They hit a big truck head on. My brothers friends except Mike died instantly. Mike and Eric lived up till the ambulances got to them. Mike died as soon as they got him freed from the truck. They said that his lungs had collapsed. Couldn't do anything. It was Eric who had it worse though. He was paralyzed from the neck down is what he told the paramedics. But he wasn't paralyzed. He was broken. The engine had come into the truck on his side of the truck. It had distorted everything up to his waist. As for the numbness in his neck down. That was caused by the lack of blood and the damage to his nerves system.

He made it to the point of the door being taken off it's hinges. As so as they got the door off they were able to see just how bad he was injured. They knew that they wouldn't be able to save him so, they just sat there and talked to him. They asked him questions about his life, about what he wanted to be when he grows up. They asked him about his likes and dislikes, his family, what school he was going to. All the things that they thought would help keep his mid off the fact that he was dying.

He wanted to be in the Air Force, always has. Said that if you tried hard enough you'd be able to be what ever you want to be when you grow up. I remember how he use to tell me that, that's one of thousands of reasons why he was going into the Air Force. Even said that it would make a man out of the most cowardly of boys. Make them see what they couldn't unsee. But I guess a bigger force had decided that he shouldn't live past the age of 18. My mom cried for days, saying stuff like, I'll never get to go to his wedding because he want ever have one.

I don't remember how many weeks it was after his death, but a girl about his age came to the house. They had met when he went to see the recruiters. She was going to be a military nurse. A few days after they met they found out that they were mates. This news made my mother cry harder. But in a way it helped her move on. It helped her see that not all things are bad because my brothers mate was pregnant.

Now I have a niece to protect. That's also how I view my cousin too. As someone I love and need to protect. Most people think that I'm like her overly protective big brother. Once someone thought that me and her were siblings, so ever sense then me and her have let the people think we were. It kinda made it easier to protect her having people believe I was her older brother.

Just then I got a text from Jordan.

Text message: "Hey Quinn. I need your advice on something important."

"Hey Jordan. You've come to the right place my friend. What can I advise you with?"

"Haha your so funny bro. But seriously I need help with my whole mate problem. I don't know what I should do."

"I know I'm funny, it's a gift to human kind. Anyways what you should do is sit down with him and talk about your feelings for him. Tell him what you want Jor."

"But that's the problem Qu I don't know what I want. I know I want him. But I don't think my parents would approve. And I don't want to be a disappointment to them."

"Then you have to choose love or family. And no one can help you choose this has to be what you want. Not what the family wants you to want."

"What if I choose wrong? What if I choose love and he chooses family? Or what if I choose family and he chooses love?"

"Stop with the 'what if's'. Okay? That's why the two you need to get together and talk about this."

"Quinn I need your help to choose."

"I'm sorry Jordan, but I can't help you this time. You have to listen to your heart and do what it tells you. But just know that whatever you do choose you will always have me in your life."

"I choose......"

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