Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jordan's P.O.V.

Why is that thing on my mate. Did I tell that omega to touché what's mine cause I'm pretty sure I didn't tell her she could. He's mine not her's if she wants a guy go find an unmated wolf.

You see the thing about alphas is that we are very possessive when it comes to our mates and most anything else. So I did the only thing I could when he turns to whisper to her. I growled like I was about to kill somebody. And I was. I may not want him now but someday like every one I'm gonna except him. I just need to figure out a few things first.

Such as how the heck I'm I going to tell my father and mother who the toilet king my mate is. It's not like I can just go up to them and say "Hey mom and dad my mate is our enemy and I don't think I want to reject him because there is a very, very good chance that I already love him. So yeah yall can either join the two packs together of you guys can disown me. Just know I love you but I choose my mate over the people who love me the most. Bye."

Yeah cause that will go over so well. If I did do that then I'd be losing more then just my family I'd be losing my pack. So no I'm not telling them yet. I'm gonna try and get my pack and his pack to join. I just hope he wants the same thing cause if he doesn't then my plan is already screwed.

And if he tells me he doesn't want me then my plan is as screwed up as a monkey in heat by its self. Funny how I choose not to use the wolf analogy. It's just....ah never mind that shrimp. I wonder what shrimp nuggets would look like. I know I'm getting distracted. It's just who I is. Deal with it bushes.

I truly hope that I can pull this off. Because frankly I do want my mate. I want to have a happy love life not one that leads to heartbreak. I don't think I could do that it would be way to painful to have to go through. But that's the thing about life it gives you a chance to make your own choices. If you screw up its on you.

"Jordan are you okay?" Carson asked me sweetly. That's the thing about him he's nice. But still a player. The only time he wasn't was when me and him dated. But that was a year ago.

"I'm fine Carson. But can you help me with something?"

"Yeah. Anything."

With that I kissed Carson, and I got the response I was looking for. As my lips touched Carson's Lane had growled loudly.

"What's the matter Lane? Sydney not enough for you anymore?" I snapped at him. Maybe that was mean. Maybe I should have left. But I'm an alpha we tend to be blinded with the need not to show emotion.

"I don't want Sydney. I want you but you want have me."

"I do want have no idea how much I really want just want work the way I wish it would." I whispered to wear no one could hear. The only one who seemed to hear was Quinn.

"That's what I thought. You don't want me. So I'll just leave yo-" he was cut off mid-sentence by Quinn.

"Dude shut-up! You don't know anything about her. You don't know if she wants you. She could. All you do is say that you want her and she doesn't. In fact she doesn't even say anything and you say she doesn't want you. If I were her I would have rejected you by now but she seems to want you from where I sit." That's my cousin to the rescue for you. Hey that rhymes. So smart.

This is why I love family they always have your back in the long run. And right now that's what I need from my cousin. Because when I tell me parents them I'm going to have to have some one on my side. But for now I hope that things between me an Lane get to a more peaceful place. I hate that we argue.

Who ever it was who said that arguing shows you care then that's bull-malarky because that shows that you use to care but you don't anymore.

That's not how I want my love life. It would suck major balls.


Author's Notes

Sorry if this chapter was too short. I was trying to update so that you could see what's been going on.





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