Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Jordan's P.O.V.

I can't believe that all Quinn could come up with was for me to choose between my family or love that may not be shared. I mean I do love Lane and everything but I also love my family. For once in my life there's a choice to be made and only I can make it.

There's only one thing to do now. I have to call Lane and my family into one room and tell them all what I've chosen to do about this predicament. The real question now is. How will they all react to this? I guess there's truly only one why to know. To talk about it.

"Mom, dad I need to speak to the both of you in the living room!" I shouted as I left my room. Well here goes nothing. It's time to tell my parents who my mate is. And how I plan to deal with it.

When I got to the living room my parents were sitting on the couch. They both looked worried about what I'm going to tell them. Had this not been so serious, I may have laughed. But it was a serious matter.

"Mom, dad I found my mate. He's Lane Henrys." I spoke so quietly in hopes of them not really hearing me. But that's a hopeless hope seeing as we hear most everything around us.

"WHAT!?" My father boomed. I knew he wouldn't like this one bit. I just thought he would compose himself better.

"Honey it's great and all that you've found your mate and all but you know you can't be with him. You can never truly be with him. I'm sorry sweetie. But you can't." And hear I thought that my mother would blow up like father did.

"I'm not done. I knew I'd have to choose family or love."

"Oh honey." My mother whispered more to herself than to me.

"That's why I texted Lane to come by so I can tell you all at the same time. It makes life simpler." If only that where true.

Just after I told them the bell rang and Lane walked in. He looked confused to see my parents there. But I didn't tell him why he was coming just that he was. This is going to be a long night for me.

"Now that your all here. As I was saying before, I knew I'd have to choose love or family. And I have chosen one. Just know that this was a difficult choice to have to make. I chose family over love."

"What? Do you not truly love me? Did I blow all my chances with you?"

"No. I do love you. But I have more to think about then who's going to be my lover. I have to think about what's best for the pack. I know that I'll need a alpha male some day but my pack will never truly trust at you or your pack. There's just to much bad blood there. Plus you can't break an alpha if you don't have anything to break it with. And you Lane are what could one day break me."

"Really you choose a pack over a mate. What if I choose a mate over a pack Jordan? What then?"

"I don't know Lane. Your a smart boy figure it out for yourself. Take Sidney as your mate. I mean you where making out with her I front of me today. It shouldn't be to difficult to get her."

"You know what I don't need you Jordan. I can live a long and proud life just fine without you."

"That's lovely to know Lane. You may feel free to leave at any given time now. You want be missed."

It's cruel I know but life goes on. It has to.



I'm sorry this was so short.

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